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Weekly review of Symfony and PHP development news. 2/24/23

Our full communiqué originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

As always, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

Many of the items we curate are on Medium. I recommend investing in a membership, as you can access everything you want to read. It's a small investment in boosting your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, Symfony continued introducing changes needed to make tests compatible with PhpUnit 10. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version continued adding PHP types to private methods and functions.“

A Week of Symfony #842 (13-19 February 2023)

Symfony announced:

Help Turkey and Syria

SymfonyLive Paris 2023: Only 4 weeks to go! announced:

It’s time for version 19: All new upgrades for our API server

Blackfire has:

Getting started with the Blackfire test suite: part 2 of a series

SymfonyCasts continued its API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

This Week

Victor Todoran explores:

Validating Dates With Symfony

Al Abdou Nadim examines:

Symfony HttpFoundation what is it and how to use it

Zoltán Szőgyényi shows us:

How to install Symfony with Flowbite and Tailwind CSS

Bhavin Nakrani shows us:

How to create a Custom DQL Function — Symfony

DevNest looks at:

Securing Your Web Application: How to Fix a Vulnerability in Symfony HTTP Cache Component

William Arin introduces:

Cook: an alternative to Symfony Flex to execute package-embedded recipes for any PHP project


The Agency Bounteous examines:

Upgrading to Drupal 10 (And Beyond) With Composer

You can help the community by filling out the:

2023 Drupal Local Development Survey

Julian Andres Cañaveral Valencia looks at:

Aliases for autowiring in the Drupal services

This is now possible thanks to advances in PHP and the Symfony integration.

Previous Weeks

I enjoyed spending time and playing trashcan pong with DrupalEasy’s owners during Florida DrupalCamp.

Paak's DrupalEasy Fellowship Experience: An opportunity to learn, work within, and contribute to Drupal

I also have an upcoming article on why efforts like fellowships are important to Drupal’s future.

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This Week

Dominik Schilling says for:

PHP 8: Stop switch'ing, start match'ing

Jesus Valera Reales looks at:

Declaring array structures in PHP

Filip Horvat provides a:

Quick overview on ”Type hinting” in PHP

Patric has:

A Beginner’s Guide to PHPUnit: Writing and Running Unit Tests in PHP

Sebastian Dedeyne shares:

PHP wishlist: The pipe operator

I thought this was very interesting.

Previous Weeks

Pavel Buchnev examines:

RoadRunner — an underrated Powerhouse for PHP applications

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Webkit announces:

Web Push for Web Apps on iOS and iPadOS

This is great news for progressive web apps.

Anant Vijay has this handy guide:

Git and GitHub: Must-know guide

Igalia explains:

How Shadow DOM and accessibility are in conflict

This is an excellent article.

Zell says:

The Spirit of CSS Tricks is now gone

Unfortunately, this is probably true due to the douchebags at Digital Ocean.

As you probably know, we pimp Svelte in cases where you have to use a JS frontend framework.

Why Web Developers need to try Svelte.

But, rather than use Svelte we always recommend rolling your own web components.

Web Components in 10 Minutes

This article by Akilesh Rao is the best I’ve ever read on them.


Infoworld asks:

Should you leave Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the Fediverse?

Yes. And the disgracebook equivalent is Friendica.

Casey Watts explains why Mastodon gets so much more engagement than Twitter.

Why I love Mastodon

I see this as well. Big time.

Solarbird looks at:

Federating a WordPress Blog

What I like about Ice Cubes is that you can follow instances with it.

The making of Ice Cubes, an open-source, SwiftUI Mastodon client.

Fastly helps instances on the Fediverse scale their servers.

Fastly and the Fediverse, pt.1


Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

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Reuben Walker

Symfony Station