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Explore kbin as well.

It,s like a cross of Lemmy and mastodon.

With the fuckery around Reddit APIs, I'm peeking in at Lemmy again.

I wonder if it would be worthwhile setting up my own instance to use as sort of a personal pinboard alternative for link sharing and also to host an account from which I can comment on other instances' links?

Here's your weekly Symfony Station highlights post. It's a roundup of Symfony, PHP, Drupal, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news.

This is a condensed version of a communiqué that originally appeared on Symfony Station.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

There is plenty of good content in each category this week, so please take your time and enjoy the ones most relevant and valuable to you. An uptick in Symfony articles this week is fantastic, including our newest effort, which is decent. ;)

Or jump straight to your favorite section via our website.

Once again, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 6.3.0 beta2 and beta3 were released, so you can test them in your own projects and report bugs before its final release. Meanwhile, we continued adding features to the new AssetMapper component. Lastly, we announced a round of lightning talks during the SymfonyOnline June 2023 conference.“

A Week of Symfony #854 (8-14 May 2023)

Symfony announced:

New in Symfony 6.3: HttpClient Improvements

New in Symfony 6.3: DX Improvements (Part 2)

New in Symfony 6.3: DX Improvements (Part 3)

New in Symfony 6.3: Notifier Integrations

New in Symfony 6.3: WebProfiler Improvements

Symfony UX Svelte Documentation


Symfony core team members selected at the API Platform Conference 2023

Blackfire has:

Meeting Uwe Kleinmann: Shopware performance optimization with Blackfire

SymfonyCasts continues its API Platform course: ???

This week on SymfonyCasts NEW LINK

Featured Item

We are tooting our own horn this week with our newest article. It is a follow-on to our article, How Symfony components power Drupal’s drive to new frontiers. We look at the nuts and bolts of four of the components/libraries Drupal uses, plus the Twig templating engine.

How four Symfony Components + Twig help simplify Drupal Core

This Week

Eternal Learner shows us how to:

Dynamically Convert Request Content to DTO with Symfony

Jmau continues a series:

Symfony internals and security

What's the problem with my API?

Symfony's magic: dependency injection

JarosƂaw Szutkowski explores:

Applying Content Security Policy in Symfony to Reduce XSS Risks

Nico Anastasio examines:

Managing User Sessions in Symfony 6: A Beginner’s Guide PT2

David Garcia looks at:

Unlocking real-time capabilities in web applications with Symfony and Mercure

Frederic Leaux has:

Tuto Symfony, 15 minutes pour mettre en place des tests automatiques qui vont vérifier toutes les

ProgWorld demonstrates:

Automatic scaling of Symfony consumers in Kubernetes

Markus Staab puts the the Symfony docs repo through a:

Doctor Rst Speedup

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa shares:

Adding criteria to your doctrine queries easily


Lewis Blakeney opines:

Magento vs. other eCommerce Platforms: Why Magento Development is the Best Choice

Lemberg Solutions:

How to Integrate Apple Pay into Your Drupal Commerce shop?

Ryan Szrama tells us:

How to learn more about Drupal Commerce at DrupalCon Pittsburgh

I agree with Ryan 2037%, and it’s why I am going to WordCamp US and not DrupalCon.


Drupal Association provides a:

Drupal GAAD Pledge 2023 Update

ZYXware explores:

Unlock the Power of Engaging Digital Experiences with Drupal 10

Matt Glaman looks at:

Simplifying the frontend developer experience in Drupal with a click of the button

Specbee explores:

Testing Drupal Websites for Accessibility with WCAG 2.1

Acquia shares:

DrupalCon Survival Guide: Making the Most of Your Conference Experience

Florida DrupalCamp speaks out on:

Inclusion For All

In response to the continuing lurch toward fascism in the shithole state I live in, the organizers are adapting for next year.


This Week

JetBrains announces:

PhpStorm 2023.1.2 is released

Miladev explores:

Abstract Factory design pattern in PHP

Command design pattern in PHP

PHP Swoole

Ramy Hakam examines:

The Power of Remote Debugging for Developers

Zubair Idris Aweda explains:

How Method Overloading Works in PHP

And David Duymelinck responds with:

PHP method overloading

A rebuttal article!


Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).


Fast Company reports:

Researcher Meredith Whittaker says AI’s biggest risk isn’t ‘consciousness’—it’s the corporations that control them

TechRadar reports:

Hackers are using malicious Microsoft VS Code extensions to steal passwords

Dark Reading shares:

Microsoft Digital Defense Report: Nation-State Threats and Cyber Mercenaries

Forbes shares:

An Overview Of Supply Chain Attacks And Protection Strategies

The Washington Post reports:

Cybersecurity faces a challenge from artificial intelligence’s rise

Infoworld explores:

Solving the SBOM crisis with WebAssembly components

ReadWrite opines:

Forrester's No-Code Citizen Development Security Breach Prediction Misses the Mark

Bobby R demonstrates:

The Dangers of Google’s .zip TLD

It is mind-boggling how fucking stupid tech bros and big tech are.

More Programming

The Markup reports:

Section 230 Just Survived a Brush with Death

The Supreme C*nts decided not to fuck up the internet (and more importantly the Fediverse). For now.

The NewStack reports:

Developers Put AI Bots to the Test of Writing Code

Speaking of which, GitHub shares:

How GitHub Copilot is getting better at ~~understanding~~ stealing your code

I fixed the headline.

Fellow spirit and frontend demi-god Jason Knight has:

Improving My HTML Video Facades

Utility Classes And Atomic CSS. Predatory Propaganda Deflection!

Maybe That Code Isn’t “Clever”, Maybe You Aren’t!

Chris Ferdinandi asks:

What's your problem with Tailwind?

Mine is that it sucks and is used by JavaScript bros who are too lazy (or ignorant - see article above) to learn how to use HTML and CSS properly.

Smashing Mag examines:

Solving Media Object Float Issues with CSS Block Formatting Contexts

Alan looks at:

Building a Frontend Framework; Reactivity and Composability with Zero Dependencies


The Fediverse Reports explores:

Trends in Fediverse structure

Open Indie looks at:

Assembling Community OS

CSS Demi-god Chri Coyier examines cross-posting social media:


And David Rutland shows us:

How to Use gomphotherium: A Complete Fediverse Client for Your Linux Terminal

Speckyboy asks:

Could Niche Web Communities Come Back?

Let’s hope so.

AnĆŸe Pečar examines:

Mastodon Instances with Software Developers

Find your home in the Fediverse, as long as it’s not

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

Our weekly news highlights covering Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersecurity, the Fediverse and more is out.

This week’s highlight post is a condensed version of a communique that originally appeared on Symfony Station.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station news highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

There is plenty of good content in each category this week, so please take your time and enjoy the ones most relevant and valuable to you. There is a big bump in Drupal items this week as well.

Or jump straight to your favorite section via our website.

Once again, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> “This week, the first beta of Symfony 6.3 was released so you can test it in your applications before its final release at the end of May 2023. Meanwhile, Symfony UX 2.8 version was published with two new components and massive updates in live components. Finally, we published more information about the workshops of the upcoming SymfonyOnline June 2023 conference.“

A Week of Symfony #853 (1-7 May 2023)

Symfony announced:

New in Symfony 6.3: Emoji Improvements

New in Symfony 6.3: Webhook and RemoteEvent Components

New in Symfony 6.3: Clock Improvements

New in Symfony 6.3: DX Improvements (Part 1)

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Take the lightning talks challenge!

SensioLabs shares:

Interview: We describe your future job at SensioLabs

SymfonyCasts continues its API Platform course:

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

Chris James says user expectations of the web are now that you have this super-smooth no-reload experience. Unfortunately, it's an expectation that is usually delivered with single-page applications (SPAs) that rely on libraries and frameworks like React and Angular, which are very specialized tools that can be complicated to work with.

A new approach is to put the ability to deliver this UX back into the hands of engineers that built websites before the SPA-craze, leveraging their existing toolsets and knowledge, and HTMX is the best example I've used so far.

HTMX is the Future

It might not be the future by itself. But it and similar solutions like Hotwire will be.

This Week

John Kim has this article that reeks of AI but is still useful for newbies:

How To Become A Symfony Developer: Skills And Tips - Stars Fact

Jean-Yves Curien explores:

SOLID Principles: Part 5, Dependency Inversion

Rafel Beraldo examines:

Symfony/Doctrine migrations for multiple databases


Symfony 5: The ubiquitousness of API Platform


Amazee Labs looks at the:

Benefits of Drupal Gutenberg for Content Editors

And they are bounteous.

Christophe Jossart expands the discussion with:

Gutenberg with Drupal part 1: Blocks attribute decorator

Drupal itself has:

New Drupal core branching scheme introduced

Also for Drupal core, The Droptimes shows us:

How Drupal Improves Accessibility

Jacob Rockowitz asks:

How is the Blueprints module different from a Drupal Distribution and Recipe?

This is good.

Veniz Guzman presents:

The Non-Profit’s Guide to Drupal Structured Data SEO

See schema above.

Lullabot has:

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Drupal Hosting Platform

R.S. Ahmad shares a:

Guide for Drupal Custom Theme Development

I may combine this with a Drupalize .me course I bought to start on the Symfony Station redesign.

Mike Herchel says:

Disabling Twig Caching Just Got A Helluva Lotta Easier (in Drupal 10.1)!

Five Jars shares a:

Security Checklist for Drupal Website

Four Kitchens explores:

Getting started with Drupal 10

php logo


This Week

KĂ©vin Dunglas shows us how to:

Mitigate Attacks on your PHP Supply Chain

Khalid Zeiter looks at:

Basic Debugging Techniques in PHP

Miladev95 shares:

Php dependency injection

Khalid Zeiter explores:

Getting Started with Event-Driven Architecture in PHP

Olle Harstedt examines:

Strategies to make functions pure

Rodrigo Javornik looks at:

Handling input data in PHP

PeakD looks at:

Running Lando on GitHub Actions

code logo


Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).


Axios reports:

Biden administration's push for a software ingredient list, explained

Dark Reading reports:

CISA Addresses 'Cyber Poor' Small Biz, Local Government

Protect Privacy reports:

The Four Horsemen of the Cybersecurity Apocalypse: A Digital Pandemic Unleashed

Tech Target reports:

Addressing the confusion around shift-left cloud security

Harvard Business Review reports:

Cybersecurity Needs to Be Part of Your Product’s Design from the Start

Obvious, but still yes, yes, and yes.

Tech Republic reports:

Google offers certificate in cybersecurity, no dorm room required

The Register reports:

EU's Cyber Resilience Act contains a poison pill for open source developers

More Programming

VentureBeat reports:

How headless and composable are different and why it matters

Smashing Magazine shows us:

How To Use AI Tools To Skyrocket Your Programming Productivity

GitHub announces:

Push protection is generally available and free for all public repositories

Web .dev announces:

A better responsiveness metric

Google is about to @$$ream SPAs in Core Web Vitals.

Stephanie Eckles has:

An Introduction to Container Queries in CSS

I need to master this.

Workadventu has an excellent case study:

Bridging Vue 2 and Svelte

The Guardian published:
Greed, eugenics, and giant gambles: author Malcolm Harris on the deadly toll of Silicon Valley capitalism



Stefan Bohacek says:

Yes, the Fediverse will “win”

I agree 2,358%.

Filipe EspĂłsito reports:

Ivory for Mastodon gets updated with Safari Extension and other enhancements

The headline should say Fediverse rather than Mastodon. And Ivory is worth every penny.

Jonathan Wylie asks:

What is Mastodon and Is It the Future of Social Media?

MichaƂ WoĆșniak looks at the:

Mastodon monoculture problem

Jowi Morales shows us how to:

How to Sign Up for a Mastodon Account

Again, choose or rather than

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

Here's your weekly Symfony Station highlights post. It's a roundup of Symfony, PHP, Drupal, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news.

This highlights post is a condensed version of a communique that originally appeared on Symfony Station.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

There is plenty of good content in each category this week, so please take your time and enjoy the ones most relevant and valuable to you.

Or jump straight to your favorite section via our website.

Once again, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> “This week, we continued polishing the new features of the upcoming Symfony 6.3, which will be released in just five weeks. We also published the first blog posts of the New in Symfony 6.3 series. Finally, we announced new talks for the SymfonyOnline June 2023 conference.“

A Week of Symfony #851 (17-23 April 2023)

Symfony announced:

Updated documentation on deploying Symfony on

New in Symfony 6.3: Password Strength Constraint

New in Symfony 6.3: OpenID Connect Token Handler

New in Symfony 6.3: Request Payload

New in Symfony 6.3: Serializer Debug Command

New in Symfony 6.3: Form Improvements

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Firefighting a Symfony & Elasticsearch app with Blackfire

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Taming the Forking Beast: Refactoring Monolithic Projects

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - ImportMap: Manage Your JS Deps Without Node

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Let your end users be creative with the ExpressionLanguage component

Blackfire shows us how to:

Take full control of Blackfire Monitoring with flexible filtering

SymfonyCasts continues its second API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

The civilized parts of Europe are about to tear Zuck and SpaceKaren a new orifice.

The Next Web reports:

“The EU’s latest crackdown on big tech is taking shape. The bloc yesterday released a list of companies that must adhere to the strictest rules of the landmark Digital Services Act (DSA).

The 17 platforms and two search engines reach at least 45 million monthly active users. All of them have four months to comply with the full obligations of the DSA.”

These 19 tech giants are on the EU’s new naughty list

This Week

Ulrich shows us how to:

Protect your application with Symfony rate limiter

And Ramy Hakam shows us how to:

Simplify Multi-Tenancy in Symfony with the Multi-Tenancy Bundle

Nico Anatasio shares:

Managing User Sessions in Symfony 6: A Beginner’s Guide

LinkedIn has this resource where you can collaborate with AI to share your Symfony knowledge. You very technical Symfonistas should check this out and let us know if it’s horseshit or helpful.

Sergiu Pogor says:

RabbitMQ is a message queue system that allows you to send and receive messages between different parts of your app

Houssem Guemer looks at:

Impersonating Users in Symfony: Methods and Best Practices

And shows us:

How to Integrate AWS Cognito Authentication with Symfony

David Garcia shows us how to:

Harness the power of Feature Toggle Flags with Flagception in Symfony projects

And André Laugks shows us how to:

Create a custom JMS Serializer handler for mapping values

And Aymeric Ratinaud shows us how to:

Create a new Discussion with a Message and a Message to an existing Discussion [Api-platform]

Lots of tutorials this week.


Vyacheslav Konyshev explores:

Shopware Store Development from Scratch: Steps and Costs

Mitul Patel shares:

Maximizing Magento 2 Security: Advanced Techniques for Experienced Developers


Prometsource shows us:

How to Get Started with Drush

Matt Glaman asks:

Are you ready for Drupal 11 in 2024?

Kevin Quillen announces:

Three New Drupal Modules for Ambitious Site Builders

As a quick aside, Kevin and Matt wrote the excellent Drupal 10 Cookbook, which I am really enjoying right now.

Jacob Rockowitz shares:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Blueprints module for Drupal

Fabian Fiorotto looks at:

Migrating any type of block to Layout Builder in Drupal

Quite useful.

Ankitha Shetty explores:

Understanding Update and Post Update Hooks for Successful Site Updates

Daniel Sipos announces a new edition of:

Drupal 10 module development - it’s out!

Looking forward to this. I enjoyed version 9.

Golems examines:

Drupal Security Best Practices & Hardening Modules

PHP logo


This Week

php[architect] published:

Database Normalization for Developers

Doğan Uçar examines:

PHP Fibers: What They Are and Where To Use

Jmau111 asks:

Why use PHP 8.1 enums?

Atakan Demircioğlu says:

Say Goodbye to Boring Command Lines: Create Powerful and Fun Tools with PHP

LaravelTuts looks at:

Building a Subscription-Based Payment System with PHP 8.x

dvnc0 on the Dev Community shares:

Behavior-Driven Testing with PHP and PHPUnit

Code logo


Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).


The Harvard Business Review opines:

There’s No Silver Bullet for Cybersecurity

Unfortunately, true.

Acquia shares:

What to Consider When Developing a Cybersecurity Strategy

Hence we need a strategy.

Dark Reading reports on:

Cybersecurity Survival: Hide From Adversarial AI

TechRepublic reports:

Google moves to keep public sector cybersecurity vulnerabilities leashed

TechCrunch reports:

GitLab’s new security feature uses AI to explain vulnerabilities to developers

And on a related note, Bleeping Computer reports:

GitHub now allows enabling private vulnerability reporting at scale


My man, Jason Knight shares:

Accessible HTML Video “Facades”

Better Explaining The Reason For Video Facades

Imkev looks at:

Priority Hints and optimizing LCP

Keith Grant says:

Scoped CSS is back

Smashing Magazine shows us how to:

Write Better CSS By Borrowing Ideas From JavaScript Functions

Good stuff here.


Norden reports:

A Nordic approach to democratic debate in the age of Big Tech –
Recommendations from the Nordic Think Tank for Tech and Democracy

The Fediverse Report shares:

A new generation of follow-finders

And Gopiandcode shares:

How I wrote an Activity Pub Server in OCaml: Lessons Learnt, Weekends Lost

Here is a new Fediverse platform similar to Reddit that is built with Symfony! - Fediverse of content

Flipboard looks at:

How the Fediverse Can Benefit Creators

Open Indie explores:

Fragmentations in the Fediverse

Chris O’Donnell responds to an idiotic journalism piece:

Mastodon is not Doomed

Here’s an easy way to join Mastodon:

Spread Mastodon

Although again, we recommend joining or

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

Here's your weekly Symfony Station highlights post. It's a roundup of Symfony, PHP, Drupal, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news.

This highlight post is a condensed version of a communique originally appeared on Symfony Station.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

There is plenty of good content in each category this week, so please take your time and enjoy the ones most relevant and valuable to you.

Or jump straight to your favorite section via our website:

Once again, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 6.2.9 maintenance release was published. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version continued adding features such as: adding the locale to the app global Twig variable, a new token handler and user for OpenID Connect, two new attributes called MapRequestPayload and MapQueryString to map Request input to typed objects and a new debug command for Serializer. Lastly, we published all the information about the workshops of the SymfonyOnline conference in June 2023.“

A Week of Symfony #850 (10-16 April 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Working with Pull Requests

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Teaching Doctrine to be Lazy

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Here comes Symfony 6.3!

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Decouple Your Apps with Symfony Messenger

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Design your API for the future

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Keynote: The Scheduler Component

SymfonyCasts continues its second API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

There was not a single item that stood out to me this week. So I will feature Javier Eguiluz’s posts about what’s new in Symfony 6.3.

This Week

Strangebuzz is back with:

Using PHP enumerations with your Symfony workflows

David Garcia shows us how to:

Configure Symfony Secrets with HashiCorp Vault

Seyit Erdemir explores:

Unit Test Kavramı ve Php Symfony Uygulaması

Evolving Web gets:

Hands-On With Drupal 10: Symfony 6.2, the New Tech Stack


Inwebworks shares:

6 Ways to Create a Winning Drupal Digital Commerce Strategy

7 ways to enhance your e-commerce Website and online sales with Drupal


Drupal founder Dries Buytaert examines:

Preserving the open web through Drupal

Previous Next shares:

Why a culture of open-source contribution is good for your business

We need more businesses like this, supporting Drupal’s core development.

Specbee has:

Data Security Matters: Marketers' Guide to Securing Your Drupal CMS

Freelock explores:

Deploying blocks and content to other site environments

Chris Hill has:

Drupal: The Case of the Ugly URLs

Lakedrops says:

Now is the right time to update Drupal 7 to 10 thanks to ECA

In fact, it’s several years past time.

Opensource explains:

What you need to know about the Drupal 9 to 10 migration

Five Jars shares:

Quicklink: A Tool That Boosts Website Conversions by 50%

I am going to test this out.

PHP logo


This Week

The strangely named, Curiosities from the World has some good stuff:

Introduction in PHP Anthology. Where do I get help?

This is a good resource to bookmark.

Introduction in PHP Anthology. How do I write portable PHP code?

Nico Anatasio explores:

The Role of a Model in an MVC Framework

Jonathan Daggerhart shows us how to:

Use autoloading and namespaces in PHP

Edouard Courty examines:

High-precision numbers computation with PHP

Nemanja Milenkovic explores:

Embracing Union Types in PHP 8: An In-Depth Look at Their Benefits for Developers

Code logo


Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).


Forbes reports:

Security Failures At TikTok’s Virginia Data Centers: Unescorted Visitors, Mystery Flash Drives And Illicit Crypto Mining

Bleeping Computer reports:

GhostToken GCP flaw let attackers backdoor Google accounts

Drew Harrell of the Washington Post reports:

The military loved Discord for Gen Z recruiting. Then the leaks began.

Enemies of democracy have an easy time when we do half their work for them. Sad.

Then again we could be Russia.

Russian plane accidentally strikes Russian city near Ukraine border

The Record reports:

Cybersecurity firms to launch legal support fund, advocacy group for ethical hackers

VentureBeat reports:

EU Cyber Solidarity Act aims to establish a ‘European cybersecurity shield’


Sam Who looks at:

Load Balancing

The irrepressible Jason Knight shares:

My Response To A Medium Page Rewrite Challenge : Part 1

A Medium Page Rewrite Challenge : Part 2, The Markup

Free Code Camp has this excellent article:

The Difference Between Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements in CSS

Molily asks:

Client-side JavaScript and React criticism: What comes next?

This looks at why it’s hard to get rid of shit like React.

Sitepoint examines:

Signals: Fine-grained Reactivity for JavaScript Frameworks

After Svelte, this is the most promising frontend JS framework.

Salma Alam-Naylor shares:

The Acronyms of Rendering on the Web

Another one to bookmark.


The Verge asks:

Can ActivityPub save the internet?

The Fediverse Report looks at:

News outlets, Twitter, and the Fediverse

Add CBC to the list of the few news organizations with the integrity to leave Twitter.

FediTips shows us:

How to use groups on Mastodon and the Fediverse

PCMag opines:

What's Happening to Twitter Could Never Happen to Mastodon

Thomas Ricouard explains:

Ice Cubes Meets AI

If you are going to use AI, this is the way. With restraint.

Medium announces:

Now, you can embed Mastodon posts in Medium stories


Flipboard announces:

Flipboard’s Editorial Curation Comes to Mastodon

Boell shows us:

Mastodon - Migration: How to change your instance / server (and why)

A little research up front will prevent the need for this.

Onyx Bits has some Mastodon:

Hashtags research

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

###Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

Here's your weekly Symfony Station highlights post. It's a roundup of Symfony, PHP, Drupal, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse. There are lots of interesting PHP items this week.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

Once again, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 5.4.22
and 6.2.8 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, we published a recap of the SymfonyLive Paris 2023 conference and announced the last days of the Early Bird of SymfonyCon 2023. Lastly, we published an article detailing the migration of search engine to Meilisearch.“

A Week of Symfony #848 (27 March - 2 April 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023: Book your hotel and transportation now!

SymfonyCasts continues its second API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

Dark Reading says:

Companies face an ongoing struggle to quickly develop high-performing software and applications that are also highly secure. This is a delicate balance in today's environment, where trading security for speed could lead to disastrous consequences.

One method that companies are embracing to strike this balance is implementing the "shift left." The shift left in this context refers to moving practices related to testing software as early in the development process as possible.

If companies prioritize communications and make the DevOps process more transparent, team members will better know what vulnerabilities to look for.

4 Steps for Shifting Left & Winning the Cybersecurity Battle

This Week

Dev opines on:

A Strong Team: SPAs With Vue.js and Symfony

It’s certainly better than React or Angular.

André Laugks shows us how to:

Create a custom Symfony Normalizer for mapping values

JoliCode shows us:

How to use mock with Symfony's WebTestCase and PHPUnit

Kinsta shares:

Symfony vs Laravel: Battle of the PHP Frameworks

As I said on Mastodon this week, this is about the 2,425th Laravel / Symfony comparison article but it's from a reputable source and explains the strengths of each platform well. (FYI, they don't really compete against each other very often.)

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa says:

Take this into account when using Doctrine


ComputerMinds shows us:

How to: Implement an automated Drupal Commerce Order state transition

Harish Rajora shares:

The Definitive Guide to Magento Testing

Sylius announces their solution to:

The EU “Omnibus” directive in (e)Commerce


AgileDrop interviews:

Dominique De Cooman of Dropsolid: Bringing together Drupal and Mautic

Very interesting interview.

I plan on exploring the following three items in-depth.

Russell Jones asks:

Drupal, Why Use Custom Content Types?

Webwash looks at:

Create a Search Page using Views in Drupal

Specbee has:

Customizing Content Display in Drupal: A Guide to Display Modes

Prometsource explores:

AI for Drupal Sites: To the Next Level and Beyond

Evolving Web gets:

Hands-On with Drupal 10: Easier Content Creation with the Claro Theme

Drupal founder Dries Buytaert examines:

The evolution of Drupal's composability: from the command line to the browser

They are getting it right after ten years.

On a related note, Opensense Labs looks at:

Plug & Play with New Drupal Recipes

PHP logo


This Week

The PHP Foundation has:

PHP Foundation Update, March 2023

PhpStorm shares:

What’s New In PhpStorm 2023.1: New UI Features, Better Performance, 3v4l Support, and More

And Sticher shares:

What's new in PHP 8.3

Dimitrios Lytras explores:

Modern PHP

Moslem Deris examines:

Writing Simple Code in PHP: Techniques and Best Practices

Daniil Bazhenov continues a series:

How To Optimize the Code Structure of a Simple PHP Application as Your Project Grows

Marcin Czarnecki recommends:

Must have PHP Tools

Moumen Alisawe asks:

What is Pest and Why You Should Use It

Freek Van der Herten has:

Skipping tests conditionally in Pest

One of my favorite Mastodon follows, the Grumpy Programmer is:

Thinking About Testing Too Much

Tighten examines:

Automated Refactoring With Rector

Nemanja Milenkovic tells us:

Why PHP 8 and its Supercharged JIT Compiler Will Make Your Code Fly (Like a Bird on Red Bull)

Previous Weeks

Andreas Möller recommends:

Avoiding One-Liners in PHP

Anton Lohvynenko explores:

Modernize PHP Legacy Apps: Challenges, Approaches, Cases Studies

Laravel News examines the:

Pest Architecture Plugin

code logo



The Hacker News reports:

Hackers Exploiting WordPress Elementor Pro Vulnerability: Millions of Sites at Risk!

Don’t use WordPress page builders, peeps!

Ars Technica reports:

Trojanized Windows and Mac apps rain down on 3CX users in massive supply chain attack

Data Center Dynamics asks:

ChatGPT: What’s a security department supposed to do?

Reuters reports:

Special Report: Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars

This sounds similar to douchebaggery from another company we’ve heard a lot about lately. I wonder if they have the same owner. ;)


Infoworld reports:

Visual Studio Code 1.77 previews GitHub Copilot chat

David Gewirtz shares:

Okay, so ChatGPT just debugged my code. For real.

Pay attention to the details in this interesting article.

My favorite Medium writer, Jason Knight has:

Improper HTML: Bad Examples Makes For Bad Developers

Chrome looks at:

Smooth and simple transitions with the View Transitions API

I am thrilled to see this, as it will eliminate lots of horseshit JavaScript.

Percona shares:

MySQL 5.7 Upgrade Issue: Reserved Words

DevCollaborative looks at:

Choosing the Right Analytics Tool For Your Nonprofit Website

Important stuff, and fuck Google.


Since Twitter is single-handedly exploding growth in the Fediverse, we’ll start with it (again).

The Verge states the obvious:

Elon Musk’s obsession with blue checks is a verified problem

Mashable reports on the predictable result:

Twitter failed to scare legacy verified accounts into paying for Twitter Blue

NPR reports:

Twitter labels NPR's account as 'state-affiliated media,' which is untrue

It’s a lie, and CuntEO Space Karen knows it’s a lie.

The Fediverse Report is:

Talking Fediverse at FediForum

Mike Stone shares:

RSS and Mastodon

If you want to see someone’s (like us []( Mastodon posts without joining Mastodon, this is for you. You can also follow hashtags in your RSS reader.

This is an academic paper from Robert Gehl on:

The digital covenant: non-centralized platform governance on the Mastodon social network

Kevin Quirk shares how he switched from to WordPress to make:

a self-hosted micro blog that also works with the Fediverse

The Verge reports on:

The sudden death and rebirth of Tweetbot as a Mastodon App

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

Here's your weekly Symfony Station Communiqué. It's a roundup of Symfony, PHP, Drupal, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news.

This highlights post is a condensed version of a communiqué that originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

Thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version continued adding new features: the Messenger component added Clock support in workers and introduced a way to redispatch a message, the translation component improved performance of message extraction and the new Scheduler component added support for date intervals and period and introduced a debug:scheduler command.“

A Week of Symfony #847 (20-26 March 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023: the French Symfony conference was a blast last week!

Migrating Search Engine to Meilisearch

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 : Very last days to enjoy early bird tickets!

And they sent a newsletter!

Find out the Symfony news of March! 📣

Which included a tip of the month.

Blackfire has:

Distributed Profiling: How to identify and fix Performance Bottlenecks in a Microservices Architecture

SymfonyCasts continues its second API Platform course, and it covers security.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

The MIT Technology Review asks:

Will ChatGPT make the already troubling income and wealth inequality in the US and many other countries even worse? Or could it help? Could it in fact provide a much-needed boost to productivity?

 as businesses scramble for ways to use the technology, economists say a rare window has opened for rethinking how to get the most benefits from the new generation of AI.

ChatGPT is about to revolutionize the economy. We need to decide what that looks like.

This Week

There’s a new Symfony course on Udemy.

Building web APIs with Symfony

Thomas Berends shares a:

Symfony Certification Preparation List

In a similar mode, here is a slide deck used in a SymfonyCon presentation:

A self-training journey to the Symfony certification

KĂ©vin Dunglas shares:

Symfony ImportMaps: Manage Your JavaScript Dependencies Without Node

Binary Box Tuts shows us:

How To Send Email Using Mailtrap In Symfony 6


Atul Rungta shares:

Magento vs. nopCommerce: An In-Depth Comparison of Open-Source eCommerce Platforms


Rathod Akash explores:

Laravel with Turbo JS

It’s similar to how it works with Symfony UX.


Specbee shows us:

How to Create Dynamic Layouts with Layout Builder, CTools, and View Modes

Very useful.

Matt Glaman examines:

Adding backward compatibility to Rector rules

Mandclu looks at:

Patching .htaccess for SEO

Jacob Rockowitz is:

Exploring Decoupled/Headless Drupal distributions while building the Blueprints demo

I will say it again, if you are starting a new site or doing a complete rebuild, start with this module.

PHP logo


This Week

Drupal Association March Newsletter 2023

****One highlight is that contributions to Drupal often have a big impact on the whole PHP ecosystem.****

Giorgi Jibladze wants you to:

Meet Lando — the Perfect Tool for Your Local Development Environment

Kevin explores:

Assessing Compatibility with PHP 8

Kinsta examines:

PHP Market Share in 2023

Iman Borumand Zadeh looks at:

Some interesting changes in PHP 8.3

Onur YĂŒksel explores:

Building a Basic Router with PHP: A Step-by-Step Guide for Web Developers

There is something in the water to do with enums this week. ;)

Laravel News has:

Extending PHP 8.1 enums with attributes

Doğan Uçar looks at:

Unlocking the Power of PHP Enums: Best Practices for Effective Use

Previous Weeks

And PeakD opines:

On the use of enums

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The Hill reports:

Cyberspace: The new dominant realm of national security

PBS reports:

France bans TikTok, Twitter from government staff phones amid security concerns

The Hacker News reports:

U.K. National Crime Agency Sets Up Fake DDoS-For-Hire Sites to Catch Cybercriminals

Trojanized TOR Browser Installers Spreading Crypto-Stealing Clipper Malware

GovTech reports:

What Local Governments Want from Federal Cyber Grants

Wired reports:

Microsoft’s ‘Security Copilot’ Unleashes ChatGPT on Breaches

VentureBeat reports:

GPT-4 kicks AI security risks into higher gear


Insider Business looks at:

Big Tech's big downgrade

Think Cory Doctorow’s Enshitification theory.

The Verge reports:

Google and Microsoft’s chatbots are already citing one another in a misinformation shitshow

Andy Baio reports on:

AI Data Laundering: How Academic and Nonprofit Researchers Shield Tech Companies from Accountability

The Guardian reports.

Cryptocurrencies add nothing useful to society, says chip-maker Nvidia

However, it’s not all bad news this week. ;)

Clive Thompson tells us:

Why ChatGPT Won’t Replace Coders Just Yet

Plus in programming, 5% of the effort is writing code and 95% is figuring out why it doesn’t work. ;)

Opensource shares:

6 steps to reduce the carbon footprint of your website

Edson Moisinho wants you to:

Say goodbye to your local development environment

Yes, please.

Zach Leatherman explains why SPAs suck:

Defaulting on Single Page Applications (SPA)

Philip John Basile has:

The Great Vue Vs Svelte Debate Finally Settled

I don’t know if there is a debate, and it’s not settled if there is, but this is a good comparison of the only two front-end frameworks you should ever consider.

Sitepoint has:

Fastly vs. Cloudflare Performance: A Detailed Guide

Many Fediverse servers use Fastly.

There’s an explosion of HTML content this week, which is fantastic.

Scott Ohara looks at:

The search element

NicolĂĄs Vazquez explores:

Semantic HTML

Jens Oliver Meiert examines.

HTML Concepts: Customized Built-In Elements


Since Twitter is single-handedly exploding growth in the Fediverse, we’ll start with it.

Techcrunch reports:

Twitter is dying

I think it is more of a spectacular and slow decline into irrelevance.

ZDNet reports:

Twitter moves free users to the spam folder and makes a risky bet on its future

Ed Zitron explains why Space Karen can’t help himself.

Free bird.

And Elon’s also a c^nt, so there’s that.

The Verge asks:

Can Mastodon seize the moment from Twitter?

This is a fantastic interview with Mastodon’s founder.

If you are thinking of opening a Mastodon account (and you should) Jennifer has:

Choosing an instance for your Fediverse/Mastodon account


Jeff Craig says:

The Fediverse Isn't Inevitable - Mad, Beautiful Ideas

Here’s a quote, “The Fediverse's current desire to grow without VCs is probably it's greatest strength. Without the need for the hypergrowth investors need to get the cash exits they demand, the Fediverse has a chance, though potentially a slim one, to grow the way that we, the users desire, instead of chasing profitability.”

While Mastodon makes up 95% of Fediverse users, it’s not all of them. Learn more about the other platforms here:

The Guardian reports on how Mastodon helped save a newspaper from closure:

Texas Observer journalists raise $270,000 in bid to save publication

The Fediverse Reports has this related item:

Local news on a global network

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

Reuben Walker Jr. reshared this.

March 24, 2023 Symfony Station Drupal, Symfony, and PHP highlights

This highlight post is a condensed version of a communiqué that originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station news highlights post. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse. There is an abundance of Symfony items this week et c'est trĂšs magnifique.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

Thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiquĂ© in their Week of Symfony. And thanks to our friends at PHP Weekly for featuring our article on Drupal’s path to growth. Along with our newsletter, it’s one you should subscribe to. 😉

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version added support for 103 status code (Early Hints), updated the service container builder to use PHP weak references, and added three new components: Webhook and RemoteEvent and a Scheduler component. Lastly, Symfony announced a new Symfony conference in Berlin (October 5-6, 2023).“

A Week of Symfony #846 (13-19 March 2023)

Blackfire has:

Getting started with the Blackfire test suite: part 4 of a series

SymfonyCasts continues its second API Platform course, and it covers security.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item is not a fan of how PHP is managed by a large committee and thinks it would be better off with a benevolent dictator.

Limited by committee

The problem with benevolent dictators (open source or not) is that they are few and far between, and are likely to devolve into c^nts. Just ask Twitter employees and the doormat citizens of Russia or China. The real solution is more democracy.

This Week

The Droptimes reports on Fabien’s announcement.

Webhook and Remote Event Components Merged to Symfony

In exciting news, Ivo Lukač shares:

Netgen Layouts 1.4 Adds Editable Preview and Component Blocks

SyntaxSeed show us how to:

Convert Symfony Auth Scaffolding Login to use Form Builder

CWD looks at:

Reusable symfony/workflow configuration

Guillaume explores:

Utiliser l’API de ChatGpt dans Symfony 6

Gabor Szabo shows us how to:

Setup local development environment and run tests of PHP Twig

Valentin Crochemore looks at API Platforn with Vue JS:

Mise Ă  jour du Create Client d'API Platform vers Vue 3

Theodo shares why you should:

Love HATEOAS with Symfony and API Platform

Oliver Mensah examines:

Working on Legacy Software: Rewriting technique, experience and lessons

Jolicode shows us how to:

Leverage Symfony VarDumper Component to Enhance your Dumps


Golems takes:

A Glance at Tome - Drupal static content generator

And Drupal’s founder, Dries Buytaert,, explains why static site generators aren’t needed:

Why content management systems can outperform static site generators

I agree with this 2,058 percent.

Currently working on Drupal’s next big leap, Automatic Updates & Project Browser,
Wim Leer explores:

High concurrency Composer

Lemberg Solutions highlight their contributions to Drupal:

How the Lemberg Solutions Team Contributes to Drupal

We need more efforts like these.

The Drupal Association says:

Industry Summits are the place to be at DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023

Axelerant looks at:

Drupal 7 End Of Life: A Guide To Next Steps

And Chromatic asks:

Why is Drupal 7's End-of-Life a Big Deal?

PHP logo


This Week

The March issue of php[architect] is out:

Box of PHP

ActiveHosted shares:

Clean PHP Code: 6 Actionable Tips

Darshan explores:

PHP — The combination of Traits and Magic methods

Moslem Deris has:

A Guide to Union Types in PHP 8: Examples, Best Practices, and Benefits

Yannick Chenot shares how to:

Upgrade your project to PHP 8.2 with Rector

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Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).


The Hacker News reports:

Pompompurin Unmasked: Infamous BreachForums Mastermind Arrested in New York

GovTech reports:

Experts: As Cyber Booms, So Too Must Preparation

DarkReading reports:

Cybersecurity Skills Shortage, Recession Fears Drive 'Upskilling' Training Trend

BleepingComputer reports:

Facebook accounts hijacked by new malicious ChatGPT Chrome extension

Another reason why (unless required by your job) you should not be on Facebook.


The Federal Trade Commission warns:

Chatbots, deepfakes, and voice clones: AI deception for sale

Preach, brother.

Lars Lofgren explores:

9 Modern Website Design Trends in 2023 (with Examples)

Take note of these, peeps.

The world’s greatest CSS teacher, Josh Comeau opines on the foolishness of predicting:

The End of Front-End Development

The World’s greatest design teacher, Brad Frost has:

Layout & Grid in Design Systems

Laravel News reports:

MySQL for Developers Course is Live

I will be exploring this, and so should you.

And Mike Harbottle asks:

What is Git Merge, and how to use it?

The Verge Reports

GitHub Copilot gets a new ChatGPT-like assistant to help developers write and fix code


The Conversation UK reports:

Antisemitism on Twitter has more than doubled since Elon Musk took over the platform – new research

The Fediverse Report reports on:

WordPress and the Fediverse

Jeff Sikes explores:

Mastodon API - Media Only Parameters

ActivityPub rocks examines:

Ideating organization structure for the Grassroots Fediverse (wiki)

The Fediverse Report has:

The roundup – episode 10

And this article:

Mozfest and the Fediverse

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

Our weekly newsletter covering Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersecurity, the Fediverse and more is out.

The latest Syfmony Station newsletter is out. Explore this week's Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersecurity, and Fediverse news. If you like what you see, subscribe via the button in the top left corner. And please reshare this post. Thanks, friends. #Symfony #Drupal #PHP #Cybersecurity #Fediverse

March 17, 2023 Symfony Station Symfony and PHP highlights

This communiqué originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

Thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version added features to create targeted value resolvers, to allow you to select the parser used in DomCrawler component, to support autowiring services as closures using attributes
and to improve Serializer performance.“

A Week of Symfony #845 (6-12 March 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 - SymfonyLive comes back to Germany on October 5-6!

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Only 7 days to go!

Blackfire has:

The Power of Blackfire Alerting

SymfonyCasts start its second API Platform course, and it covers security.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

The Guardian opines that artificial intelligence in its current form is based on the wholesale appropriation of existing culture, and the notion that it is actually intelligent could be actively dangerous.

The stupidity of AI

This Week

Stefano Alletti shares a:

Step-by-step Guide to use Auth0 with Symfony 6

Ozan Akman examines:

Programming paradigms: Which framework is better?

JarosƂaw Szutkowski explores:

Behat: The Easy and Effective Way to Write Acceptance Tests

JĂ©rĂŽme Tamarelle shares:

Rendering Twig templates in Storybook

Great stuff here.

Speaking of Twig, this is an interesting project from Wynton Franklin:

Building a Time Off System


And speaking of Storybook, Diffy explores:

Drupal And Design Systems

Drupal shares:

Nominations are now open for the 2023 Aaron Winborn Award

And most importantly:

DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023 Schedule

Jacob Rockowitz explores:

Providing JSON:API and GraphQL support for the Blueprints module

Specbee examines:

Mastering Drupal 9 Layout Builder: A Comprehensive Guide to Effortlessly Customize Your Website's Design

My recent article shared some critiques of Drupal’s development, but the work on the frontend is an exception. Great strides have been made in the last year to modernize it.

And this is an effort that is similar to the one I propose in my article:

The Drupal Association Supports ICFOSS/Zyxware Back-to-work Programme

Mike Herchel shares:

Creating Your First Single Directory Component within Drupal

And after automatic updates and starter themes, this is the most exciting development upcoming in Drupal 10.

PHP logo


This Week

Jetbrains announces:

PhpStorm 2022.3.3 is now available

Regular readers know Jason Knight is one of my favorite writers and a kindred spirit.

He has this spectacularly entertaining case study:

New Client’s Website Had Some Interesting “Problems”

The WP Minute is:

Digging Into the WordPress Block Protocol Plugin

I love the Block Protocol initiative and hope it can integrate with Gutenberg as tightly as possible.

Jorge Castro looks at:

Using ORM in PHP without a framework

This got a lot of love on Mastodon this week. has:

Discovering PHP's first-class callable syntax

Matt Glaman updates us on:

PHPStan's new @not-deprecated annotation

And Andy Blum has this nifty little tool:

PHP DateTime Cookbook

Ryan Chandler has this interesting article on Foreign Function Interface:

Blazingly Fast Markdown Parsing in PHP using FFI and Rust

One of my Mastodon buddies, Grant Horwood, explores:

writing command line scripts in php: part 5; styling output text

Nico Mercado looks at why WordPress is moving forward the way it is, and why it’s having success.

The elePHPant in the room: Wordpress

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Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).


Hacker News reports:

GoBruteforcer: New Golang-Based Malware Breaches Web Servers Via Brute-Force Attacks

Warning: AI-generated YouTube Video Tutorials Spreading Infostealer Malware

PCMag reports:

US Shuts Down 'Netwire' Malware That Posed as Legit Remote Admin Tool

Forbes reports:

GPT-4 Can’t Stop Helping Hackers Make Cybercriminal Tools

Don’t use autofill on your password manager—especially if it’s Bitwarden

This is good advice I was not familiar with.


SWYX says:

Preemptive Pluralization is (Probably) Not Evil

Tomasz Dobrowolski shares:

4 Crucial Skills Every Entry-Level Developer Needs but Doesn’t Have (And How You Can Learn Them

Brain Schnee shows us:

How to Learn and Use TypeScript: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide

David explains:

Why Svelte Outperforms React: A Deep Dive into Render Performance

Longtime readers know I hate React and love Svelte, so I dug this.

CatlinCodes explores:

One problem that is now solved by CSS Subgrid

And Servebolt shows us:

How To Profile SQL Queries for Better Performance


Wired reports:

Twitter’s $42,000-per-Month API Prices Out Nearly Everyone

C^nts gonna c^nt.

Johannes Ernst

Meta and ActivityPub

As we covered last week, the reaction to this news ranged from incredulous disbelief to horror.

TechCrunch reports: owner Automattic acquires an ActivityPub plugin so blogs can join the Fediverse

Meanwhile, this news was met with joy and acclaim.

Here’s the official statement:


Joe Lotter writes:

On POSSE and IndieWeb

Storybench has:

Adam Davidson talks Mastodon, @Journa.Host, and content moderation

If you think the Fediverse would be an interesting option to explore for your side projects, The FediForum is coming up

FediForum | Who's coming?

Here’s an example project from Veronica Berglyd Olsen:

Threaded Mastodon Comments

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

###Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

Reuben Walker Jr. reshared this.

Weekly review of Symfony and PHP development news. 3/10/23

This highlights post is a shortened version of a communiqué that originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the Fediverse.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you. There is a good bit of Drupal content this week, including the featured item.

Thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will involve profanity.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 5.4.21
and 6.2.7 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version added support for managing command exit code while handling signals. Lastly, the SymfonyOnline June 2023 conference announced that you can submit your papers until March 6.“

A Week of Symfony #844 (27 February - 5 March 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023: Only 2 weeks to go for the pre-conference workshops!

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 - Call for paper is open!

Blackfire has:

Getting started with the Blackfire test suite: part 3 of a series

SymfonyCasts continues its API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

I am tooting my own horn this week as I have published my first “opinion” piece. It examines if Drupal has a path to growth.

“Idiots have been claiming PHP is dead for years. Guess what? It’s not dying. It’s growing and mainly via WordPress and outside the United States. With Drupal, not so much.

This piece will cover Drupal’s strengths and weaknesses as I see them affecting its growth. And when I talk about growth, I mean the total number of Drupal users, not the profits of companies basing their businesses on Drupal.

Then I will look at three paths its future could take. Those of what I want, what could happen, and what will probably happen.”

Does Drupal Have a Path to Growth?

This Week

Anton Lytvynov has:

Why use Symfony for web development

The Future of PHP and Symfony: Predictions and Trends for Web Development

How to Set Up a Local Symfony Development Environment with Docker Compose

It is great to see Smaine Milianni back with:

Feature Flag and Strategy pattern with the Symfony framework

Mark Caggiano shows us:

How to create a WordPress plugin using PHP and OOP, with Composer for package management, Symfony components for backend functionality, and Twig for frontend templating


Quick Sprout has a:

PrestaShop Review – What Makes PrestaShop Great and Where PrestaShop Falls Short

Shopware shares:

Shopware Community Digest February '23

Edna Ololade compares:

Medusa Vs. Sylius: Which Should You Use for Your Ecommerce?


Zyxware Technologies compares:

Drupal Updates vs Upgrades vs Migrations: What's the Difference and When Do You Need Them?

Prometsource shows us:

How to Leverage Load Testing to Scale up a Drupal Site

CKEditor can expand its capabilities:

Drupal Premium Features module now stable

Star Shaped of Lullabot shares her experience at:

Florida DrupalCamp 2023

Mateu AguilĂł Bosch of lullabot explores:

Getting Single Directory Components in Drupal Core

This is fantastic news.

Previous Weeks

And Lullabot has this case study.

American Bookseller Association

PHP logo


This Week

Derry Ross explores:

Mastering PHP for Dynamic Web Development

Dolly Aswin looks at:

PHP Development Trends In 2023

Marcel Bootsman looks at:

Switching to PHP 8.x in Four Steps - An Interview with Juliette Reinders Folmer

This got lots of interest when I shared it on Mastodon this week.

Nikola Stojiljkovic shares:

Impressions on GitHub Copilot and PHPStorm — March 2023

Geek Job shows us how to:

Disable eval in PHP 8

Aminul Islam Sarker examines:

Unlocking the Power of PHP with the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Great stuff here.

Previous Weeks

İlyas Özkurt shows us how to:

Boost Your PHP Testing Speed with Paratest

Code logo



Zack Whittaker opines:

Today’s startups should terrify you

Fast Company reports on:

5 cybersecurity trends people who work from home need to know

Use password managers, two-factor authentication, VPN, etc. peeps.

Tech Republic reports on the:

Top 10 open-source security and operational risks of 2023

New National Cybersecurity Strategy: resilience, regs, collaboration and pain (for attackers)

The Guardian reports:

Sensitive personal data of US House and Senate members hacked, offered for sale

Maybe the fucks will do something about cybersecurity now.


Bleeping Computer reports:

GitHub makes 2FA mandatory next week for active developers

Marcus Bentele shares:

How To Become A Git Pro By Mastering Only One Powerful Git Command

Leticia Coelho shows us how to write:

Clean HTML

The acerbic and awesome Jason Knight has:

Adam Wathan (Part 1): Deluded, Predator, Or An Outright Fraud?

Adam Wathan (Part 2): The Ignorance On Full Display

TLDR Tailwind CSS sucks. Don’t be lazy. Learn HTML and CSS.

Cory Doctorow says:

The AI hype bubble is the new crypto hype bubble



Let’s start with a few items about the biggest driver of Fediverse growth, Twitter.

The BBC reports:

Twitter insiders: We can't protect users from trolling under Musk

Musk takes the shittiest thing about Twitter and makes it shittier.

The Verge reports:

How a single engineer brought down Twitter

Stupidity in management = product incompetence.

Daring Fireball reports:

Phony Stark Picks on the Wrong Guy, Attempting (and of Course Botching) an HR Exit Interview Live on Twitter

Being a cnt = being a cnt

In late-breaking news, Platformer reports:

Meta is building a decentralized, text-based social network

Fucking hell. While this will work with Activity Pub, at least these instances can be blocked when the inevitable tracking starts.

Fastly shares:

Fastly and the Fediverse, pt.2

Here’s an analytical breakdown of the exodus from Twitter to the Fediverse:

A Snapshot of the Twitter Migration

Daring Fireball reports:

Medium’s Mastodon Server Opens Up

I mentioned this was coming last week.

TechCrunch provides more detail:

Medium launches a ‘premium’ Mastodon instance as a membership perk

Here the official details:

Join Mastodon with Medium

If you are also interested in content production, marketing, strategy, and related fields, you can follow me at [](

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

Weekly review of Symfony and PHP development news. 3/03/23

This highlights post originally appeared as a communiqué on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station Highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

Thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version experienced an intense development activity to finish many new features such as: adding a remember me option for JSON logins, allowing to trim parameters in XML config files, introducing a new Exclude attribute, allowing to define the batch size in Messenger component and allowing to extend the Autowire attribute.“

A Week of Symfony #843 (20-26 February 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Submit you paper until March 6th!

Blackfire has:

Blackfire, a complete observability solution

This Week

Anton Lytvynov has three good items:

Symfony 6 and PHP 8: A Promising Future for Web Application Development

Creating Custom Web Applications with Symfony 6 and Php 8: A Step-by-Step Guide

Symfony vs. Other Web Frameworks: A Comprehensive Comparison

There’s not much new here information-wise, but some exciting graphics make viewing worthwhile.

Filip Horvat shows us how to:

Set up framework for testing security in API Platform (Symfony)


Lemberg Solutions looks at:

Drupal Commerce + SAP Integration: Solutions and Benefits


André Laugks shows us how to:

Use XInclude to organize Content elements in Page templates in Sulu

Hurray, a Sulu CMS piece.

Opensource examines:

3 myths about open source CMS platforms

Matt Glaman wants us to:

Check out the "Drupal at your fingertips" developer reference guide

Very helpful.

Evolving Web shares:

Hands-On With Drupal 10: Discover the Best Modules Through Project Browser

Axelerant looks at:

How Acquia DXP Is Empowering Businesses To Design Digital Experiences

Speaking of Acquia, it and Drupal’s founder, Dries Buytaert opines on:

Artificial Intelligence, the future of Content Management and the Web

He’s much more optimistic than I am.

Previous Weeks

Specbee explores:

Taming JavaScript in Drupal (Includes FAQs)

PHP logo


This Week

Tomasz Dobrowolski has two articles for us:

9 Essential PHPStorm Shortcuts That Will Skyrocket Your Productivity as a PHP Developer

7 Concepts Every PHP Developer Must Understand To Succeed

Outstanding stuff here.

Florian Bauer shares the cogent point that PHP needs better marketing.

Why PHP should be renamed to HypeScript

php[architect] examines:

Serializing Data In PHP

And on a related note, Veshraj Ghimire explores a:

Deserialization Disaster in PHP

Lukasz explores:

Asynchronous PHP

This is an interesting article, as he is not discussing threads.

Code logo



Bleeping Computer reports on:

White House releases new U.S. national cybersecurity strategy

Hackernoon reports:

Network Detection and Response: the Future of Cybersecurity

Portswigger reports:

NIST plots biggest ever reform of Cybersecurity Framework

GovTech reports:

Feds Push Local Election Officials to Boost Security Ahead of 2024


Jens Oliver Meiert maintains this handy tool.

HTML Elements Index

Spicyweb points out the obvious:

The Great Gaslighting of the JavaScript Era

JS frontend frameworks are bullshit.

KD Nuggets shares:

SQL Query Optimization Techniques


Andy Piper has:

Thoughts on Dev Rel in the post-Twitter era

There is big news this week from Flipboard.

Via TechCrunch:

Flipboard joins the Fediverse with a Mastodon integration and community, plans for ActivityPub

Here’s the official announcement.

The Future of Flipboard Is Federated

So, if you are on Flipboard but not Mastodon, now is the time to join.

And follow us on Flipboard to get an idea of what will be in next week’s communiquĂ©.

The Verge reports:

Mozilla thinks Mastodon could be the next HTTP


Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

Weekly review of Symfony and PHP development news. 2/24/23

Our full communiqué originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

As always, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

Many of the items we curate are on Medium. I recommend investing in a membership, as you can access everything you want to read. It's a small investment in boosting your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.

Symfony logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, Symfony continued introducing changes needed to make tests compatible with PhpUnit 10. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version continued adding PHP types to private methods and functions.“

A Week of Symfony #842 (13-19 February 2023)

Symfony announced:

Help Turkey and Syria

SymfonyLive Paris 2023: Only 4 weeks to go! announced:

It’s time for version 19: All new upgrades for our API server

Blackfire has:

Getting started with the Blackfire test suite: part 2 of a series

SymfonyCasts continued its API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

This Week

Victor Todoran explores:

Validating Dates With Symfony

Al Abdou Nadim examines:

Symfony HttpFoundation what is it and how to use it

ZoltĂĄn SzƑgyĂ©nyi shows us:

How to install Symfony with Flowbite and Tailwind CSS

Bhavin Nakrani shows us:

How to create a Custom DQL Function — Symfony

DevNest looks at:

Securing Your Web Application: How to Fix a Vulnerability in Symfony HTTP Cache Component

William Arin introduces:

Cook: an alternative to Symfony Flex to execute package-embedded recipes for any PHP project


The Agency Bounteous examines:

Upgrading to Drupal 10 (And Beyond) With Composer

You can help the community by filling out the:

2023 Drupal Local Development Survey

Julian Andres Cañaveral Valencia looks at:

Aliases for autowiring in the Drupal services

This is now possible thanks to advances in PHP and the Symfony integration.

Previous Weeks

I enjoyed spending time and playing trashcan pong with DrupalEasy’s owners during Florida DrupalCamp.

Paak's DrupalEasy Fellowship Experience: An opportunity to learn, work within, and contribute to Drupal

I also have an upcoming article on why efforts like fellowships are important to Drupal’s future.

PHP logo

This Week

Dominik Schilling says for:

PHP 8: Stop switch'ing, start match'ing

Jesus Valera Reales looks at:

Declaring array structures in PHP

Filip Horvat provides a:

Quick overview on ”Type hinting” in PHP

Patric has:

A Beginner’s Guide to PHPUnit: Writing and Running Unit Tests in PHP

Sebastian Dedeyne shares:

PHP wishlist: The pipe operator

I thought this was very interesting.

Previous Weeks

Pavel Buchnev examines:

RoadRunner — an underrated Powerhouse for PHP applications

Code logo


Webkit announces:

Web Push for Web Apps on iOS and iPadOS

This is great news for progressive web apps.

Anant Vijay has this handy guide:

Git and GitHub: Must-know guide

Igalia explains:

How Shadow DOM and accessibility are in conflict

This is an excellent article.

Zell says:

The Spirit of CSS Tricks is now gone

Unfortunately, this is probably true due to the douchebags at Digital Ocean.

As you probably know, we pimp Svelte in cases where you have to use a JS frontend framework.

Why Web Developers need to try Svelte.

But, rather than use Svelte we always recommend rolling your own web components.

Web Components in 10 Minutes

This article by Akilesh Rao is the best I’ve ever read on them.


Infoworld asks:

Should you leave Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the Fediverse?

Yes. And the disgracebook equivalent is Friendica.

Casey Watts explains why Mastodon gets so much more engagement than Twitter.

Why I love Mastodon

I see this as well. Big time.

Solarbird looks at:

Federating a WordPress Blog

What I like about Ice Cubes is that you can follow instances with it.

The making of Ice Cubes, an open-source, SwiftUI Mastodon client.

Fastly helps instances on the Fediverse scale their servers.

Fastly and the Fediverse, pt.1


Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

Weekly review of Symfony and PHP development news. 2/17/23

This highlight post is a distilled communiqué that originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station news highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities with a focus on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse. There’s a good many Symfony pieces this week. Keep up the good work peeps.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

As always, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

Many of the items we curate are on Medium. I recommend investing in a membership, as you can access everything you want to read. It’s a small investment in boosting your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, Symfony development activity focused on fixing bugs on stable branches. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version improved the Bootstrap 5 form theme and switched to a faster hashing algorithm. Lastly, the SymfonyLive Paris 2023 conference published its entire schedule.“

A Week of Symfony #841 (6-12 February 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Approaching TDD with Symfony Workshop (Symfony Blog)

Blackfire shares:

Meeting Jonny Harris: WordPress Performance with Blackfire

SymfonyCasts continued its API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

This Week

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa explains:

A practical example of using Symfony PropertyInfo component

Nico Anastasio shows us:

How to add forms in Symfony 6

Guillaume explores:

React dans Symfony avec Vite

Stephane Decock examines:

Migrating messenger queue from Doctrine to a different transport

Prestaconcept looks at:

Le pattern Stratégie avec Symfony

Maria has a rare YAML piece for us:

Quick guide for YAML


The Droptimes has an interview with Mike Herchel:

Community Needs to Do a Better Job at Quickly Reviewing Code: Mike Herchel

Evolving Web has:

Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software: 3 Common Myths, Busted

Jakob Rockowitz asks:

Is there no future for the Blueprints module?

I sure as fuck hope there is because if you are building an enterprise Drupal site, you should be starting with this.

Matt Glaman explores:

Debugging your render cacheable metadata in Drupal

Matt, I’m looking for you to sign your book this weekend.

The Drop Times has this interview:

Drupal Best Suited for DXPs, Not for Brochure Websites: Jurriaan Roelofs

I’m in the process of moving a WordPress site to a Drupal installation built with Jurriaan’s DXPR.


This Week

The latest edition of php[architect] is out:

Knowledge Crunching | php[architect]

Umesh S has an informative articles:

A Comprehensive Guide to Object-Oriented Programming in PHP: Understanding Classes, Objects

Timofey Bugaevsky shows us:

How to make PHP 2000 times faster

I’m not sure about 2000, but these are good techniques.

Vahid Mahdiun looks at:

Building High-Performance Web Applications with PHP Swoole

Frontend and accessibility legend Jason Knight continues a great series:

“Poor Man’s” CMS From the Ground Up — Part 3, Spit and Polish

This series is an excellent lesson in architecture.

Alin Pintilie explores:

Lazy loading using the iterator in PHP for saving 90% of memory

Denis Mwangi helps us in:

Understanding Functions In PHP


Karim Rohayem shares:

A Comprehensive Guide to Learning JSON: From the Basics to Advanced Techniques

I’m moving several WordPress sites to FSE themes, and this article is very helpful.

Kinsta has:

Largest Contentful Paint Explained: How To Improve Your Time

Arafat has a:

Complete CSS Selector Cheat Sheet: A Hands-On Guide with images

Fantastic stuff here for CSS-challenged developers.


It’s a slow week in fediverse news. Because → professional, functional, and stable. So let’s take a look at SpaceKaren’s shitshow instead.

Platformer News reports:

Yes, Elon Musk created a special system for showing you all his tweets first

Marlon Weems examines:

Why is Elon Musk Wrecking Twitter?

Wired opines:

God Did the World a Favor by Destroying Twitter

She’d do us a better favor by destroying billionaires who own tech companies.

The Cory Doctorow says:

Of Course, Mastodon Lost Users

He points out that Mastodon is like the stock market, up and down daily but constantly climbing in the long term.


Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

People I follow

I am moving my following of Maston people for photography, political, arts, and social topics to my Friendica account here.

I will continue following the programming community on Mastodon. I'm trying to make my timelines more efficient. This will also allow more reposting. To everyone I follow, please keep the content coming!

Weekly review of Symfony and PHP development news. 2/10/23

Welcome to the February 3, 2023, Symfony Station news highlights. It's your quick review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities. It’s also a condensed version of our extensive weekly communiquĂ©.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

As always, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing last week's communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

Many of the items we curate are on Medium. I recommend investing in a membership, as you can access everything you want to read. It’s a small investment in boosting your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

Become a member here! The compensation we receive from your use of this link helps pay for our weekly communiqué.


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 4.4.50, 5.4.20, 6.0.20, 6.1.12, and 6.2.6 were released to address some security issues related to CSRF tokens and cookie headers in HTTP Cache. Moreover, we celebrated the companies that back Symfony 6.2 development and announced the SymfonyLive Paris 2023 conference workshops.“

A Week of Symfony #840 (30 January - 5 February 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - The schedule is complete and online!

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Symfony and Hotwire: make an interactive front-end without too much effort

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Tests in a Symfony application

SymfonyCasts continued its API Platform course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

This Week

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa explains:

Making a Symfony third-party bundle extensible

Serializing API outputs with Symfony serializer

Manuel Canga shows us how to:

Fix Symfony 6.x tests with PHPUnit 10

The Register reports:

HeadCrab bots pinch 1,000+ Redis servers to mine coins

Yan Ivanov explores:

Optimizing One-To-Many Doctrine collections

Jolicode shows us:

How to Fix Memory Leak in Doctrine Migrations


Andrey Rudenko reviews Drupal’s new:

Claro Admin Theme

WebWash examines:

Customize View Fields using Twig in Drupal

If you aren’t familiar with the Twig templating engine, see our article, Twig: The Ultimate Guide to the Premier PHP Templating Language.

Drupal and PHPStan developer extraordinaire Matt Glaman explores:

Using the new add_suggestion Twig filter in Drupal 10

Yay Twig!

He also has:

Auto discovery of global commands in Drush

And he had a book come out last week:

Drupal 10 Development Cookbook Releasing Tomorrow

I have ordered the print version, Matt. So slow down now, bro. I'll buy you a beer at Florida DrupalCamp. ;)


This Week

Morteza Poussaneh shares:

Package Manager(s?) in PHP

Nikola Stojiljkovic shares:

The most efficient way to debug problems with PHPUnit mocks

Rector PHP shows us:

How to Upgrade to PHPUnit 10 in Diffs

LordNeic provides an:

Introduction to Pest Testing in PHP

Frontend and accessibility legend Jason Knight starts a great series:

“Poor Man’s” CMS From The Ground Up — Part 1, Planning And Defines

“Poor Man’s” CMS From The Ground Up — Part 2, Outer Markup And Templates

This is an excellent lesson in architecture.

Derick Rethans has an:

Xdebug Update: January 2023


ZDNets’ Jack Wallen shares:

My idea for a great new beginner-friendly Linux distribution

Business Insider reports:

OpenAI makes a ChatGPT-like tool called Codex that can write software. Here's why Codex won't replace developers and will instead create more demand for their skills.

Let’s hope this is true.

TechCrunch reports:

GitHub CEO on why open source developers should be exempt from the EU’s AI Act

Alex Russell looks at:

The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted

Another piece on why JavaScript SPA platforms suck.


Ross Schulman shares:

The Breadth of the Fediverse

Cloudfare says:

Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

This is big news.

Fastly offers a similar service:

Fastly and the Fediverse, pt.1

Wired reports:

The Mastodon Bump Is Now a Slump

While it has a clickbait title that is inaccurate, this article covers a good development. The lazy and stupid people have left Mastodon.

And TechDirt counters with:

Lazy Reporters Claiming Fediverse Is ‘Slumping,’ Despite Massive Increase In Usage


  • [
]That’s it for this week. Please share this communiquĂ©.[]Also, be sure to join our newsletter list at the bottom of our site’s pages. Joining gets you each week's communiquĂ© in your inbox (a day early).Follow us on Flipboard or at []( on Mastodon for daily coverage. Consider joining the instance. If this communique is a little overwhelming, you can get a condensed, weekly news highlight post on Friendica.

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

Visit our Communiqué Library

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content.


Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

This entry was edited (1 year ago) done

Done. Thanks for the work.

If you've been waiting for full-text #search on #Mastodon, please go to #TootFinder and sign in. The more, the merrier.

Thanks to @buercher for building it.

It's opt-in, not opt-out. It respects Mastodon culture and doesn't index accounts that don't sign in.

That means the index might be small if we don't spread the word.

#mastotips #feditips

Preach Brother!

All of these hot takes about how Mastodon is too hard to use for mass adoption are missing the point entirely. We are not some tech startup trying to "disrupt" the social media ecosystem. We don't have VCs breathing down our necks pushing for continuous growth at all costs. We're just regular people out here building communities.

If people don't like Mastodon and decide to go back to Twitter, that's fine. They are not commodities to be exploited. If people like Mastodon and decide to stay, that's great! They are going to be more invested in the community because they are actually deriving real value from it.

If there's one thing the global capitalist system cannot fathom is that value can exist that is not fungible with monetary value. There are plenty of ways to create value for people that do not involve buying and selling. In fact the whole notion that value = monetary value is a relatively recent innovation in human history.

I'm not saying that capitalism doesn't have its benefits, but our minds have become so warped by its zero-sum game vision of the world that it's easy to believe that generating profits is the only thing that matters. We may have to play that game to justify our existence on this planet, but there's a whole world of value to be found outside of it. Just because we're forced to play the game doesn't mean the game is all there is.

Here's your weekly Symfony Station News Hightlights. It's a roundup of Symfony, PHP, Drupal, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to the February 3, 2023, Symfony Station news highlights. It's your quick review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities. It’s also a condensed version of our extensive weekly communiquĂ©.

As always, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

Many of the items we curate are on Medium. I recommend investing in a membership, as you can access everything you want to read. It’s a small investment in boosting your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 5.4.19, 6.0.19, 6.1.11, and 6.2.5 maintenance versions were released. The 6.0 and 6.1 branches will no longer receive any updates, so consider updating your projects to Symfony 6.2. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version marked DSNs as sensitive parameters and removed them from exception messages, added support for Redis Relay in cache, and updated the VarDumper component to display all invisible characters.“

A Week of Symfony #839 (23-29 January 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Getting ready for Symfony certification - and beyond

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Announcement of all pre-conference workshops

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - From social to tech - a plea for atypical profiles

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Welcome to the wonderful world of distributed systems!

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Announcement of all pre-conference workshops

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Generics (in PHP)

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Reinventing the Symfony Console component

Sponsoring Program - Symfony 6.2 backers

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Designing your API for the future

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Once upon a time, the Workflow component

SymfonyCasts continued its course on the utterly excellent API Platform:

This week on SymfonyCasts

This Week

Mislav Jantoljak shares:

Netgen Talk: Why We Love PHP for Building Next-Generation Websites

I am starting the SymfonyCast NetGen Layouts course, so I was happy to run across this.

Although it’s an obvious point, Ozan says that a framework isn’t perfect for every project:

Symfony is not the best framework.

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa explores:

Accessing Symfony security user on the background


Prestashop announces:

PrestaShop 8.1 is now in feature freeze

Henguelbert Loyo shows us:

How to Create a Magento 2 Admin Config & Access to it


Drupal Partners asks:

What is the future scope of Drupal as a CMS technology in 2023 and beyond?

In addition to a look at the future, this is mostly a history of Drupal with some interesting graphs.

Martin Ricken shows us:

How to create a Views bulk operation


WP Tavern takes:

A Look Under the Hood at Engine Awesome, a Laravel-based SaaS App Using Gutenberg

Previous Weeks

CivicUK shows us how to:

Build a grid section creating a new Drupal Media type

Colorfield examines:

The state of GraphQL with Drupal 10 (part 1)

This Week

Ollie recommends:

Start Programming in PHP OOP Now to Harness its Power

JetBrains announces:

PhpStorm 2022.3.2 is now available

The PHP Foundation has:

PHP Core Roundup #9

Tomas Votruba says:

Good Bye, Monorepo

I will agree with him but only for 5-10% of the websites on the internet. It's overkill for the other 90%.

Ayesh Karunaratne shares:

How to extend lifetime of legacy PHP applications

Previous Weeks

Mitul Patel lists:

11 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making With PHP Website Development


MIT announces:

World Wide Web Consortium is now a public-interest nonprofit organization

The Harvard business review looks at:

Cultivating the Four Kinds of Creativity

I am definitely in the figure-ground reversal camp.

The Los Angeles Times opines:

The real aim of big tech’s layoffs: bringing workers to heel

Unfortunately, it’s the goddamned truth and not an opinion.

Mozilla looks at the efforts for browser interoperability:

Interop 2022: Outcomes

Ahmad Shadeed provides an excellent:

Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond -

The Fediverse

Glenn Fleishman asks:

Is Your Future Distributed? Welcome to the Fediverse!

Buffer announces:

Make Your Mark in the Fediverse with Buffer’s Mastodon Scheduler

I am thrilled with this announcement.

Lifewire opines:

Twitter May Soon Be Irrelevant, Thanks to a Mastodon Version of Tweetbot

If only.
Unfortunately, only Space Karen driving Twitter into bankruptcy has a chance at this.

Speaking of which, TechCrunch reports:

Twitter to end free access to its API in Elon Musk’s latest monetization push

So Shitter’s CuntEO makes this move several weeks after fucking over the businesses most likely to pay for this. A very stable genius.

And here’s what really boils my piss about it. Movetodon is/was a service that lets you find your Twitter followers who are also on Mastodon so you can follow them there.

Elon Musk Is Running Scared From Mastodon; Cuts Off The Best Tool For Finding Your Twitter Followers There

Take login by Twitter off your apps peeps unless you want to pay through the nose. And if you make Twitter apps or bots, I hope you have diversified. Even if you stick to the backtracked “free api for good content”, Space Karen is going to fuck you over eventually.

CTAs (aka Show Us Some Free Love)
  • [
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Keep coding Symfonistas!


Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Symfony Station newsletter

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I'm Reuben Walker, the publisher of Symfony Station. Also a good content creator. Decent designer. Half-ass programmer but improving. I will post medium-length posts about these topics, plus PHP and its Symfony Framework. #fediverse #symfony #php #cybersecurity #webdesign #content #programming #wordpress #drupal #css #html #introduction
On Mastodon at Symfony Station. On Pixelfed at Reuben Walker.
