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I know many of you want to know how to get started with GDExtension in #Godot4. Thanks to Patrick et al we now have a comprehensive starter guide!

Keep in mind, that 4.1 will still bring some changes to the GDExt systems, as we polish this flexible low-level API.

We released a massive #Godot4 beta on Tuesday, and users found a lot of regressions โ€“ as we expected!

We fixed many of them quickly, and we merged another big batch of changes.

So it's time for #GodotEngine 4.0 beta 12 already!โ€ฆ

Have you heard? #GodotEngine is having a documentation sprint to bring the documentation coverage, and quality, up to the expected standard ahead of #Godot4! ๐ŸŽ“โ€ฆ

To get you in the mood we've also updated main sections, renaming and moving things around.

A page of the Godot engine documentation dedicated to the contribution workflow guides. The image also demonstrates some changes done to the main navigation sections in the sidebar.

Sam Keen reshared this.
