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Police killing of #TyreNichols makes the "more cops will solve all our problems" message in Chi mayor's race even more disturbing. @Brandon4Chicago IS OUR ONLY VIABLE PROGRESSIVE CHOICE. The words of Willie Wilson are ominous & chilling:โ€ฆ

CassandraZeroCovid reshared this.

It should not require a video camera for people to understand that police brutality and white supremacy is a real problem in America.

in reply to Lucid00

itโ€™s time to realize that ppl only see what they want to see. .. ansagt accordingly.

NEW: when asked if releasing the body cam footage on a Friday evening was a good idea for safety, they responded that whatโ€™s on the video is SO BAD, that it will not matter what day or time itโ€™s released. #TyreNichols

Samhain Night reshared this.
