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To all Fedi Admins Currently Being hit with a Spam Wave:

This kind of spam is now over! Unmute all the instances no longer on my list!

I've just released v4.0.0 of The UNmute List! I'd be very happy about a small donation because I have very little time and I cannot really justify working on this list with my current schedule :mycomputer:

There is a new type of spam, the same instances are affected as before. Those responsible in Japan are said to have been arrested.

Without further ado...

Limit these instances:

[Full List of Affected Instances Here]

Just get the list to download and import here.

Simply import this list and you'll mute the 47 worst spam instances currently known to me! I've worked on it for multiple weeks, sometimes ~9 hours at a time verifying all lists sent to me manually.

Limit first, defederate only in worst situations!

Consider re-federating with and un-silencing any of the mentioned instances once the spam is mitigated. The admins of some of these may have just been asleep when this all started.

Ban Spam Accounts via their E-Mail Domain

Block the following E-Mail Domain and whatever temp Mail provider it resolves to:

Just to be safe, block these ones too (same provider)


All our spam accounts came from these E-mails.

Since you probably have some of these accounts sleeping:

https://[your-instance.tld]/admin/accounts? there just select all and press “Ban”.

Find Remaining Spammers

I've seen instances that fixed the spam issue but began being hit later again. The spammers might use new E-Mails, so here is a way to find and block them anyway:

IP Bans and TOR

These spammers seem to be using the TOR Network as all of their IPs are TOR Exit Node IPs, hence an idea (with some collateral damage if executed) would be to ban all TOR exit node IPs for sign ups. I am personally against this idea as you'd also prevent users who simply wish to stay anonymous online (political refugees, leakers of important documents, etc.) from using your platform. For now, simply banning every user using a particular Spammer IP will not help and will merely ban users that try to stay anonymous! Not necessarily the spammers.

How To Block All Temp E-Mails in the Future

If you want to prevent this from ever happening again, you should block E-Mails from Temporary Mail providers all together:

Because of this,, for example, was not affected by the spam attack! They had already banned the email domain the spammers used ages ago.

In future updates on Mastodon, maybe Admins can simply click a button that says “Ban Temp E-Mail Providers” Automagically from the E-Mail Menu? There could be E-Mail categories that can be banned, such as temporary mails.

Why did this happen?

The real reason hundreds of us spent hours of our days during the spam on mitigating it is the following:

Cyberbullying Gone Global: Fediverse Spam and Operation Beleaguer

This is the full exposé @cappy has been working on regarding the February 15th Spam Attacks!

Thank you @BrodieOnLinux for mentioning this post in a video!

Good luck, everyone!
Thanks for participating in the Fediverse Experiment!

#FediBlock #FediAdmin

Hi, admin of PIAILLE.FR here, we've taken steps to delete all spam accounts and block ips/mails domains which they originated from.
Please can you cross our name out ?
thanks !

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Thanks for posting this! The hashtag these spammers are using is even trending now - this needs to be stopped
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

They also all come from tor exit node IP addresses (from what we could see on our instances)
We blocked account creation from tor exit nodes since then, could be an idea for others :)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Thanks! Even I, with my practically single-user instance, was hit with multiple mentions
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

ifr you do not subscribe to any account of these instances, how are they able to spam you in the mastodon world? i really do not understand this ...
in reply to Alexander Goeres

@jabgoe2089 they must have a list of every Fedi account scraped at some point! They then tag you which fetches your instance and user information even without ever interacting with them.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@jabgoe2089 Sadly, there is several public directories and sites where you can grab freely a huge set of fedi accounts, with different servers...
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Unfortunately, the bots are not only there. Here's one on your instance:

I almost suspended, assuming it was a spambot factory like the top 3 you mentioned.

in reply to Thorwegian ❄️

@thor due to my contact with the admin the problem has been fixed from their side!
in reply to Sir Toootenstein

@sir_toootenstein @thor I can't confirm this! I'm not seeing any spam from, if you on receive spam that's a different problem!
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@thor Ich sehe die Dinger in den trending hashtags und auf anderen Instanzen sehe ich nicht einmal diese Trends.
Die Posts selber bekomme ich nur wenn ich draufklicke.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@svensiemsen @stefan

Blocken des sign-up via tor - vs - anonyme whistleblower

Instanzen die deutsche user wünschen, könnten freifunk-IPs für Registrierung zulassen, andere anonyme proxies aber sperren.

Unknown parent

@strife I think so too, changed my wording.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

ein weiterer Punkt, der meiner Erfahrung nach sehr gut gegen Spam geholfe hat, ist, die Registrierung so einzuschränken, dass man ein paar Worte zu seiner Registrierung schreiben muss. Zum Beispiel, warum man beitreten will oder welche Interessen man hat.

Dadurch haben wir auf extrem wenige Fälle von (eigenen) Spam-Accounts gehabt bisher. Vielleicht magst du das ja oben noch aufnehmen, wenn du es auch sinnvoll findest.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I advise to be careful with quick defederation (except maybe for instances where you don't have any connections with).

All connections (follows) between your instance and the blocked instance will silently disappear, and people even won't even notice.

It's really hard to rebuild the connections afterwards and some peers will be lost forever.

This spam wave is the result of admins having open registration. Although it is nice and welcoming if people can set up an acc on your instance instantly, it opens the door for spambots.

So please, dear admins: switch to account request "appproval needed".
This will save us a lot of headache.

(Not a solution for the bots that are already present in the current wave).


in reply to Earthworm

@earthworm I think another way to fix this is as described at the bottom to block many temp E-Mail providers! But yes, approval required (maybe just for TOR IPs) is a good idea.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

kannst du die Info, dass alle Follows verloren gehen auch in deinen Toot übernehmen? Vor allem bei der Instanz bei der du deförderieren und wieder förderien empfiehlst?
Gab in der Vergangenheit Fälle, wo das nicht allen admins klar war und das dann unschön für die User wird
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

please note that this list of tempmail providers has historically included legitimate privacy-focused providers like Proton Mail.
in reply to Simon Müller :neofox_flag_trans:

@cyrus absolutely! That's why there's a blocklist and an allowlist! The allowlist includes providers like Proton Mail which will override all global E-Mail blocks.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Just a note: "CP" or "child pornography" is a word that many people are moving away from, because seeing children sexually abused is horrifying and not pornographic for the vast majority of humanity.

Another term is CSAM, "child sexual abuse materials", and I tend to use that now.

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Sometimes I feel it's hard to catch up, know what's right.

I realized "dumb" was an ableist slur - "mute" should not mean "stupid" - and now I can't unhear it but it's very common so I think I am correct to not ever comment, and simply try not to use it myself.

My mother was very progressive for her time, for any time really!, but many years ago when I told her "gyp" was from "gypsy" she initially refused to believe it, because she had used it so many times.

in reply to qbi

@qbi it's... it's an abbreviation. The Onion Router... Why do they want me to not capitalize their abbreviation?? You know what, to mess with the @torproject I will now only spell it like “T.O.R.”
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied: says:
"Note: even though it originally came from an acronym, Tor is not spelled "TOR". Only the first letter is capitalized. … "

You can also just say:" best privacy preserving technology in the world" 😂

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

ummm... can you take a look of this instance, please? mastodon-swiss(.)org
I also have a spam in that instance.
Thanks a lot... 👉👈
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

incase you need an update, the admin of "" alread posted his/her clarification on here:

This is the translated version: The site was attacked and caused spam on other sites, I'm very sorry, the site is now restricted from registering and posting characters

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Gonna need to add to that list too, just got a report of spam coming from there for the instance I moderate here as well. Though it seems the site itself may be down now.
in reply to Southern Wolf 🐧🦀

@southernwolf I've added it already! Maybe my edits don't federate well? Yes, they seem to have been hit for a while.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Ah yes, I see it popped in on my end now. Probably just a delay in the federation. Also, I would suggest banning the hashtags the spammers are using as well. Just blocked those here cause they were trending ! and 2 on the list...
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied: have also fixed spam wave: and also appear to have cleaned up the spam accounts, though I can't find any admin posts about it

in reply to Renkon

@renkotsuban thank you! My post has been updated. I'm sorry to the admins of these instances about the mess this may have caused.

Thanks for keeping me up to date!! ❤️

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Hi, admin of PIAILLE.FR here, we've taken steps to delete all spam accounts and block ips/mails domains which they originated from.
Please can you cross our name out ?
thanks !

Roland Häder reshared this.

in reply to thibault

@thibault yes, of course! Sorry to include you on this. We never defederated from you as we personally never experienced spam from your instance. None of our instances (,, did)! I've included your instance as many other Fedi Admins let me know this happened.

Thank you for reaching out and thank you for dealing with this spam so well! Again, sorry to include you on this list :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Das hatte ich schon öfter bemerkt, nicht nur im Austausch mit sondern auch mit anderen Instanzen.

Fast alle Edits sollen 15 Minuten vor dem Screenshot erfolgt sein.


in reply to Harald R.

@harald4toot in diesem Fall habe Ich den Beitrag tatsächlich sehr oft editiert! Zwar nicht vor 15 Minuten, aber sehr oft.

Kannst du einen Screenshot von den anderen Zeitpunkten machen an dem der Post editiert wurde was alles vor 15 Minuten war?


in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Aktueller Stand:

109 Edits, die sich wie folgt verteilen:

8x 43 min ago
4x 51 min ago
3x min ago
10x 58 min ago
ca 76 x 1 h ago
5x 2 h ago
3x 3 h ago

(created 3 h)

Screnshots aller Edits zu machen ist ebenso sisyphosmäßig wie sie inhaltlich zu vergleichen.

Inzwischen mußt du etwa 10 Minuten auf die Zeiten draufrechnen.

Kann man die Übermittlung von Edits zu Toots eigentlich ins Logfile schreiben lassen?

in reply to Harald R.

@harald4toot also, das sieht nur für mich normal aus! Ich habe den Beitrag so oft nämlich editiert. Vielleicht wird nicht jeder Edit sofort durchgesendet sondern nur in regelmäßigen Abständen.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Ich denke, du hast nicht 109 mal editiert sondern 22 mal...

So sieht's aus, wenn ich mir den Toot und seine Edits auf ansehe...

in reply to Harald R.

@harald4toot Hmm. Hast recht. Das ist ein Problem mit der Sidekiq! Ich nehme es auf.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

nice, a handy list of trashmails for all the big sites we want and use them in the first place to block them from being used
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

On defederation - spam attacks like this are bound to be more common as the fediverse grows. For forward planning, I think it would be useful if there was some sort of system that an admin could enable to temporarily drop any incoming new user interactions from existing federated servers. That way you don't need to hard-block a whole server (in the case where a legit server is temporarily overwhelmed), and would lessen the impact on those legitimate users. Essentially send any unsolicited messages > /dev/null while such an option is turned on.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

The spammers have also been using the hashtag kuroneko6423 - might help to track down more of them #FediBlock #FediAdmin
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Thank you!! for posting this.

I had 628 of these accounts opened overnight, but all still in the confirming state. I was luckily able to suspend them before they converted to real accounts.

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

"Because of this,, for example, was not affected by the spam attack! They had already banned the email domain the spammers used ages ago."

Well done @moomendemol & @eichkat3r

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied: has resolved the spamming issues AFAICT. Local feed is clear of any spam posts, and the admin has suspended all of the spam accounts and blocked the respective email domain used for the spam account signups.

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:


- appears to have suspended all of the spam accounts, and the Local feed is clear of any spam posts now. I couldn't find an official announcement regarding this from the site admin(s) however.

- appears to have completely vanished(?) and just shows a "404 page not found" error when loaded.

- still appears to be getting flooded with spam posts.

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Content warning: racism, racist language (obviously negative toward it, callout of it, not being racist - hopefully! -)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

The installation example for the temp-e-mail script does not work for docker installations of Mastodon, I think. How can the allow/block lists be used in a docker setup?
in reply to Southern Wolf 🐧🦀

@crashdoom Crap, I spoke too soon. Just got a bunch of reports on our sister instance,

in reply to Southern Wolf 🐧🦀

And now more just came in here too...

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Yeah, I can't access that reported post from Neubau, they might have already handled it. But yes, you're absolutely welcome! You're running the best list if this junk as it's happening, so I'll definitely pass on more as they come in.

Credit to @soatok for that last batch of reports too, btw.

in reply to Southern Wolf 🐧🦀

got another one for you. This one targeted Lemmy it seems, was wondering if it would spill over to there.

in reply to Ypsilenna Gloomvale

@Ypsilenna I think there is no purpose in adding more instances now... I mean I've been getting reports from so many small instances. It seems like everything is affected. Best we can do is get this post to as many Admins as possible so they know how to prevent the spam.

It's just everywhere.

in reply to Ypsilenna Gloomvale

@Ypsilenna no, I've reconsidered. Even if there is too much it's best to have accurate lists. Defederating from small instances is easy and won't affect anything, especially if it's temporary. So only accepting large instances is a bad idea from my end.

I haven't slept well! Excuse me :blobcatmeltlove: ^ ^

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

List of Instances that have / had spam

I've moved the collaborative list here

Me and a team of people will constantly monitor the spam situation, add instances to the list that have fallen victim to the spam and kick instances off the list when they're freed again.

I've worked on this all day - I hope it'll help some admins struggling to find a solution!

If you're an admin of the spam instances:
Take a look at the post this is a reply to in order to stop the spam on your instance.

Is the Spam Over?


Have a great day!

To all Fedi Admins Currently Being hit with a Spam Wave:

This kind of spam is now over! Unmute all the instances no longer on my list!

I've just released v4.0.0 of The UNmute List! I'd be very happy about a small donation because I have very little time and I cannot really justify working on this list with my current schedule :mycomputer:

There is a new type of spam, the same instances are affected as before. Those responsible in Japan are said to have been arrested.

Without further ado...

Limit these instances:

[Full List of Affected Instances Here]

Just get the list to download and import here.

Simply import this list and you'll mute the 47 worst spam instances currently known to me! I've worked on it for multiple weeks, sometimes ~9 hours at a time verifying all lists sent to me manually.

Limit first, defederate only in worst situations!

Consider re-federating with and un-silencing any of the mentioned instances once the spam is mitigated. The admins of some of these may have just been asleep when this all started.

Ban Spam Accounts via their E-Mail Domain

Block the following E-Mail Domain and whatever temp Mail provider it resolves to:

Just to be safe, block these ones too (same provider)


All our spam accounts came from these E-mails.

Since you probably have some of these accounts sleeping:

https://[your-instance.tld]/admin/accounts? there just select all and press “Ban”.

Find Remaining Spammers

I've seen instances that fixed the spam issue but began being hit later again. The spammers might use new E-Mails, so here is a way to find and block them anyway:

IP Bans and TOR

These spammers seem to be using the TOR Network as all of their IPs are TOR Exit Node IPs, hence an idea (with some collateral damage if executed) would be to ban all TOR exit node IPs for sign ups. I am personally against this idea as you'd also prevent users who simply wish to stay anonymous online (political refugees, leakers of important documents, etc.) from using your platform. For now, simply banning every user using a particular Spammer IP will not help and will merely ban users that try to stay anonymous! Not necessarily the spammers.

How To Block All Temp E-Mails in the Future

If you want to prevent this from ever happening again, you should block E-Mails from Temporary Mail providers all together:

Because of this,, for example, was not affected by the spam attack! They had already banned the email domain the spammers used ages ago.

In future updates on Mastodon, maybe Admins can simply click a button that says “Ban Temp E-Mail Providers” Automagically from the E-Mail Menu? There could be E-Mail categories that can be banned, such as temporary mails.

Why did this happen?

The real reason hundreds of us spent hours of our days during the spam on mitigating it is the following:

Cyberbullying Gone Global: Fediverse Spam and Operation Beleaguer

This is the full exposé @cappy has been working on regarding the February 15th Spam Attacks!

Thank you @BrodieOnLinux for mentioning this post in a video!

Good luck, everyone!
Thanks for participating in the Fediverse Experiment!

#FediBlock #FediAdmin

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I notice you advise defederating from these instances (whilst correctly pointing out that doing so irreversibly severs existing follow relationships)

May I suggest advising to ‘limit’ affected instances instead. This will stop the problem whilst keeping existing follow relationships, and can therefore be fully reversed.

in reply to atmx

@admin okay, I will remove you from the list immediately! Thank you.

Have you blocked their E-Mail Domain too?

in reply to atmx

@admin wonderful! Thank you for taking care of this, we also had countless of accounts sign up on and were defederated from left and right. I hope all can be fixed now in the coming days...!!
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@fberger @eljefe @alfredveninga @admin @matt @slomin

Thanks for the notice, the issue was solved, the accounts banned and registration now requires manual approbation

Sorry for the inconvenience!

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Spam *has not* ended yet. I just got another spam mention now.

Also, I recommend you silence affected instances instead of suspend. It does stop mentions from those spam accounts and keeps other, normal connections intact.

BTW, my current strategy is:
- silence instances with non-spam connections
- suspend instances without any non-spam connections

This works well for me.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Mitigations are now in place on and all known spam accounts are suspended.

Thanks for the heads up!

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

some additions, from hashtag searching and looking at their local timelines:
in reply to James Young

@pronoiac will be taken into account. I'm working on a new list because our character limit of 4000 is too small for the amount of instances!
in reply to James Young

@pronoiac well, maybe, but until I figure that out here are the domains I couldn't include on the previous list:<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

well, I certainly didn't expect this kind of negativity which is occuring here now.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

This has been dealt with by the site administrator.
But now there's a new attack.
in reply to Jakob Gillich

@jgillich Wonderful, I'll remove it from the current PR to make sure it'll never be on this list in the first place.

Thank you for your work!

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

How to mass-delete:

Via hashtag moderation, I also found a new wave just starting. I am reporting with a link to this thread before I do my temp block.

A trick used by me today to quickly found the few remaining spammers:

in the PGSQL DB :

select id,username,domain,display_name,avatar_file_name from accounts where username ~ '^[0-9a-z]{10}$' AND username=display_name and created_at > '2024-02-15 00:00:00' and suspended_at IS NULL AND avatar_file_name IS NULL limit 100;

Then from the obtained file :
for i in $(cat piaille-spam.txt|awk '{print $1}' ) ; do xdg-open "$i"; sleep 6 ; done

and check manually and block ;)

in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

Instances I have notified so far and that still have spam (see list of resolved instances below):

Since had it fixed before, I'm wondering whether they have changed e-mail domain & IP range.

I'm giving them a link to this thread in reports, so that they'll have some help with fixing

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic: OK, Hashtag 診断メーカー is done on my instance. Remaining instances notified:

I recommend blocking media when you limit, because the b*ggers have started attaching images too for the lulz, which is clogging everybody's media servers.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

The following instances are now clear of spam: (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)

* Setup of restricted signups confirmed by instance's admin

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

The admin of has notified me that they cleaned it up and closed the registrations
in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

I found ongoing spam on 3 more and notified their admins: (already on your list)

in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

Some new ones not in the md file: ( is on the list already)

in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

New spam on:

Recurrence on previously fixed:


in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Here's some more 🙄 is new, the others were previously fixed or offline.

in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic: is clean again and e-mail block has been put in place
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

New additions:

Reported by

in reply to GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

@gunchleoc thank you so much for this list! I added it right away and imported it on my instances immediately. Will now add to the Markdown too...
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

thanks for the time and effort put into doing this, and sharing it with the rest.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Hi Erik

The following instances are still on our blocklists as they're actively sending out spam, but they aren't on yours yet!


This one on your list is listed double:
- (L2 & L3)

Thanks :)

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Hallo Erik danke für die Liste.
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass ein paar in der mute- und unmute-Liste drinnen sind (Stand 20.2.24 7:55):
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

> In future updates on Mastodon, maybe Admins can simply click a button that says “Ban Temp E-Mail Providers” Automagically from the E-Mail Menu? There could be E-Mail categories that can be banned, such as temporary mails

Maybe this needs to be the default, with a button to undo it.

in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

sorry, I'm missing something: you clearly explain that defederation has negative impacts and that it's very probable that the problem is going to be solved within 24h, but nevertheless you start your message with an invitation to defederate? Could you motivate this combination?
in reply to mapto

@mapto No, I do not start with an invitation to defederate! I start with an invitation to mute. Any instance can set the status of any other instance - muting on Mastodon is like a soft defederation. Your users will not get any spam or any messages from this other server, however the people they're following remain as followers and the people who follow them too. So nothing is permanently broken like with a defederation, but you will still stop having spam.
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

apparently I'm having difficulties with reading the text of you post. On my device it appears to read "defederate". Anyway, thanks for clarifying that you mean "mute"
in reply to mapto

@mapto I really do mean mute! In earlier iterations of my post I've spoken about defederation, that was wrong, which is why I've edited the post. Your instance may still display an old version of it, for which I apologize. The list people could import has always muted (silenced) instances, never defederated!
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

thank you for putting the effort to clarify. Such synchronisation issues cause a lot of confusion
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Thanks for the tremendous effort, donation done 😃

Is there way to automatically unmute the servers not in the list anymore ? Import only adds new ones.

in reply to Gilles Gagniard

@gilles sadly, no. There isn't a way to unmute instances in bulk automatically. I know people are working on that, tho!
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

really, blocking temporary post boxes and Tor nodes is a bad idea, it will prevent many from remaining anonymous. I've also used a temporary mail to register so I don't have to use my main account. Are such measures compulsory?
in reply to lossless_autumn

@lossless_autumn no, not at all! As I've stated: blocking TOR should not be done. Blocking temp E-mail providers should at least be an option from within the Mastodon interface.

Possibly it should be one of the two: blocking temp E-Mails or having a CAPTCHA. This way people who try to remain anonymous can still use this awesome network without also letting in spammers.

There are many methods and if one really tries we can block spam without limiting anonymity!