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@ArmandDoma But also, everyone commits crime, whether we are caught or not is the question lol whether that crime is enforced or police heavily etc etc. everybody has purposefully skipped an item in self checkout, ran the speed limit etc.
Unknown parent

 — (Bronx, NY)

@AudreyOnTheGo you're likely describing me in that statement (the obedient nerd).

Ever pirate a movie? Pirate a video game? Pirate music? Jaywalk? Drink while a teenager? Smoke weed? Sneak to see a 2nd movie at a movie theater? Sneak your own snacks into a movie theater? Illegally park somewhere to do something quick? Walk between train cars on the MTA subway? Hop a turnstile at the subway? Fake a sick day from work? Trespass? Prank post on your friends social media page? Open someone else's mail? Lie about your age on the internet to sign up for a site?

All of those are crimes.