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I know I don't do this for coin but so many people, pre-Eternal November and post-, throw foam bricks at the cafe and screech "But you'll never find an audience, good luck trying to get 10,000 followers on the Fediverse"

but you don't need anywhere near that. Put in a bit of legwork, nose about in other people's words and soon enough you've got a few folk and when you post a thing, even if two people join in and play with you? That's just perfect for me. (thread)

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in reply to Daniela Quirke

@vantablue I sometimes think about the title of Stewart Lee's "Content Provider". Great show too, he's very strange but if he works for you he's laugh every time, you'd never be able to explain why.
in reply to wordsmith‽

@wordsmith‽ I couldn't agree more. What is this obsession with follow counts? Maybe I'm wrong but surely it's not all about having an audience. If people just want to be admired, and aren't interested in interacting, then they should naff off back to tweetland.
in reply to Mr A Dean

@mradean Looking forward to when someone says "this was nice but the third verse could be fixed with a little tweak"
in reply to wordsmith‽

@wordsmith‽ Not sure I'd ever be brave enough to be that presumptuous, but I'll let you know 😉 BTW, Stewart Lee is by far the most intelligent stand up there is (and entertaining journalist too). IMO, Content Provider has been his best show so far.
in reply to Mr A Dean

I wonder how anyone can stand waiting for him to get anywhere, as I laugh myself silly when he wheelspins again.
in reply to wordsmith‽

I don't want an avalanche that's not personal, you'll never get to know all the snowflakes that pass you by. But a snowball fight with a few friends?

I'd never turn that down.
in reply to wordsmith‽

I've got a story about snow you should ask me about it one day it's quite a good one too, I really like telling it. Pics too.
in reply to Kolokoko Bird!

not sure if you saw it, just in case: because I love to tell 'em