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Remi Dore reshared this.

FOSDEM is coming. So far 144 talks in schedule.

If you want to check which talks were available in previous years then I recommend my FOSDEM videos page:

#fosdem #fosdem2024

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Test from friendica

!BlendIT BSD Cafe - Off Topic

From friendica, it seems you have to send the post to ! community @ instance (w/o spaces).

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Remi Dore reshared this.

🎉 Exciting News from BSD Cafe! 🚀

After a long journey in my mind, the BSD Cafe project is finally taking shape. Registered the domain a year ago, and last July, I unveiled the first piece: our Mastodon instance. Since then, Miniflux, Matrix, and recently, our public Wiki have joined the family, inviting everyone to contribute.

The community's response has been overwhelming, far exceeding my expectations. It's clear there's a thirst for modern, decentralized, open tools to nurture our favorite BSDs and our community.

One early idea (also suggested by many) was a forum. However, existing BSD forums felt repetitive. I craved something more modern, decentralized.

After weeks of experimentation, I'm thrilled to announce another cornerstone of BSD Cafe: BlendIT! is a Lemmy instance centered on our beloved BSDs and more. For those unfamiliar, Lemmy is a decentralized, federated alternative to Reddit, compatible with ActivityPub. Meaning, yes, you can follow and interact with Lemmy communities from Mastodon and other Fediverse software.

Lemmy isn't just a Mastodon clone. While Mastodon excels in microblogging without algorithms, where old statuses fade into oblivion, Lemmy keeps everything organized, using algorithms to manage newsfeeds.

BlendIT aims to be a hybrid - a mix of a Forum, Wiki, Mastodon instance, and more - all seamlessly integrated into the Fediverse.

I've set up some basic communities where users (registration is open and manually approved like Mastodon) can create news, discuss, vote, and even follow communities from other Lemmy instances.

BlendIT (a play on Reddit, symbolizing the blend of our diverse BSD OS), like the Wiki, could become a vital tool for spreading information about our favorite BSDs - but only with your help.

Let me know if you encounter any issues or have suggestions. Happy registering!

#BSDCafe #BSDCafeServices #BSDCafeAnnouncements #BSDCafeUpdates #Lemmy #BlendIT #OpenSource #Fediverse #CommunityBuilding #FreeBSD #OpenBSD #NetBSD #DragonFlyBSD #Linux #IT #SysAdmin #Fediverse #NewInstance

Remi Dore reshared this.

Remi Dore reshared this.

Today I wrote about how many apps are adding #cryptocurrencies or #cryptowallets just to follow the current trend, unrelated to the app's functionality. I believe that when an app incorporates things only because they're trending, it loses appeal and seems without a real development plan. Some found my words offensive, and here's a message I received: "when people use hashtags that I follow to complain about that subject I block them". Then, they blocked me.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I just think adding #crypto everywhere doesn't make much sense. That's all.

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Unknown parent

Stefano Marinelli
@Anniiii Exactly. Maybe they think that using an hashtag is like being subscribed to a fan club 😆
in reply to Stefano Marinelli

@Anniiii I think some hashtags are like a fan club, like, say, #BloomScrolling . But I see your point that it is unrealistic to expect that all of them will be.

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

fun fact: the op= used to be =op. dmr wrote some wonderful things too including about the famous you are not supposed to understand this comment and the infamous ‘values of β will give rise to dom!’ warning. See He wrote a document on the history of C also. The beta warning no longer works with modern compilers but I fixed it so it does and published it in a Github repo as I really wanted to see it.

Remi Dore reshared this.

🌟 Introducing 🌟

Excited to present the first building block of the BSD Cafe project! When I registered this domain months ago, I envisioned a themed bar where we can casually chat about *BSD systems, Linux, and Open-Source technology among friends, acquaintances, and patrons. But like any bar, discussions can cover a wide range of topics while respecting everyone. will be a hub for various tools and services, powered by *BSD.

The first brick is a new Mastodon instance, a gateway to the Fediverse. Registration is open, and the server will be moderated under clear guidelines promoting good behavior and zero tolerance for hate towards anyone. Inclusivity, respect, and constructive dialogue are the key values of this new instance.

The server is currently hosted in Finland on a small VM, based on #FreeBSD. Services are divided into VNET jails, connected in a LAN via a local bridge. A VPN system is also installed but not yet activated to move individual jails to different machines.

Multimedia data and cache are hosted on another physical server (FreeBSD, within a jail), with Cloudflare in front. The aim is to cache and geodistribute data, reducing network traffic on the main VPS.

Reverse proxy (frontend), mail server, media server, and the instance itself are reachable via #ipv6.

The instance starts empty. No unnecessary content was pre-loaded; I want it to grow organically based on users' interests and following. There won't be any preemptive blocks at this stage. Users are encouraged to promptly report anything they find worth flagging.

Apart from my user (, I've added a bot from the beginning named "FreeBSD Fortune" (@fbfortune), which will automatically post a #FreeBSD "fortune" every hour. More similar bots for other *BSD systems and beyond will be added as time permits.

Join me at to build a constructive and inclusive community—a safe and relaxing space for everyone.

Soon, I'll publish a website on with an overview of tools, services, rules, uptime, and more.

#BSD #OpenSource #Fediverse #Community #Tech #Networking #Mastodon #Inclusivity #FreeBSD #NetBSD #OpenBSD #DragonflyBSD #Linux #OSS #SysAdmin

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in reply to Russ Sharek

@RussSharek I have. There are good forums with lots of active users (for example, the FreeBSD forum), but a general one could be nice to have